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Trends and directions agrarian market development of Kyiv region

This article is devoted to actual problems associated with the methods of evaluation and analysis of the agricultural market of Ukraine and regional agricultural market Kyiv region.

Investigated consumption of staple agricultural production in Ukraine and in a particular region. The structure of agricultural Kyiv region was investigated.

We explored the structure of agricultural enterprises Kyiv region, the balance of production and consumption of agricultural products in the region.

The consumption of agricultural products in the region exceeds production capacity. There is a need in the exchange of goods between the regions of Ukraine. Factors influencing the decline in agricultural production in the Kiev region were established.

The efficiency of the agricultural food market depends on the level of food ties between the regions. Directions of development of the agricultural market have been specified. New investments, improve structural reforms, full use of the potential of the agricultural industrial complex will improve the economic and social situation in the Kiev region.

The main cause of crisis situation in the Kiev region is reducing purchasing power. It requires manufacturers to find a compromise balance between price that consumers are able to pay, and the need to cover their production costs.

The level and structure of consumption of basic food products in Ukraine has changed significantly with the transition to a market economy. The analysis of the change fund consumption of basic foodstuffs population of Ukraine for 2000 – 2014 indicates that the agro-food market Ukraine operates in low demand for the majority of all food products.

Coverage of the theoretical and practical aspects of regional agricultural market research features in the context of its regional characteristics is purpose of the study.

The domestic agricultural sector meets the needs of domestic and foreign markets. The volume of agricultural production in 2015 decreased. By 2015, Ukraine has lost 257,700 pigs, 107,500 cattle, of which 90.4 thousand hrads are cows. Reduced milk production by 4 %, meat – by 1.4 %, eggs – by 14.3 % occurred.

The population of Ukraine prefers the use of milk and milk products (in 2000 consumption patterns milk products takes 24% in 2014 and decreased to 20%).

The balance of production and consumption of agricultural products in the Kiev region in 2014. The structure of food consumption in the Kiev region has changed. Increased consumption of meat and meat products to 2.41%, 12.57% for eggs, fruits, berries and grapes to 2.52%, decreased consumption of bakery 7,56%, milk and dairy products by 7 52% oil by 0.03% to 2.27% sugar, fish products and fish by 0.13%.

Kyiv region produces staple foods less than it consumes. Meat and meat products must additionally deliver to the region in an amount of 521,4 thousand tons, milk and milk products – 1,390.3 thousand tons and grain and leguminous – 5307,7 thousand tons.

Closing the usual external market livestock products and the need to develop new markets influenced the decrease in agricultural production. Development of new foreign markets takes time and effort for certification of products, changes in production processes, find new partners.

Deliveries of agricultural products must take into account the current inter-relationships. They are characterized by large branching import and export. Every region has different priorities in food.

The agricultural market is formed according to the production, processing, exchange and consumption of agricultural products. Relations on the agricultural market depends on changes in the balance of industrial and consumer turnover in export-import process, the ratio of supply and demand for local goods and services.

Keywords: agrarian market , regional market, inter-regional relationship, supply and demand, cash flow statement, consuming capacity.

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