AIC Economics and Management is a journal enumerated in the List of Ukrainian category "B" scientific professional publications (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 1643 of December 28, 2019).
ISSN 2310-9262 (printed)
ISSN 2415-7554 (online)
DOI 10.33245 (CrossRef system)
Aims and scope. The journal highlights the results of researches conducted by scientists of agrarian educational and scientific institutions on topical issues of Economics and agroindustrial production development.
The journal publishes articles covering the following specialties:
051 - Economics
072 - Finance, banking and insurance
073 - Management
075 - Marketing
076 - Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities
281 - Public administration and management
The presentation of the journal of AIC Economics and Management complies with international standards, the articles structure is designed in accordance with international submission requirements.
Publisher: Scientific journal AIC Economics and Management, established by the BilaTserkva National Agrarian University.
Published from the year 2009 as a professional periodical on Economics.
Previous publication title – Bulletin of the Bila Tserkva State Agrarian University (1996-2009).
In 2009 the journal was re-registered and titled AIC Economics and Management (official abbreviation Ekon. upr. APK).
In 2018, the journal was re-registered at the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, with the English title "AIC Economics and Management " (Certificate of State registration of the printed media. Series КВ №23610- 13450 ПР, issued by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on December 09, 2018).
Frequency: published twice a year.
Languages: Articles are published in Ukrainian and English, accompanied with identical abstracts in Ukrainian and an extended abstract in English.
Publication in the scientific journal no fee.
The editorial board of the journal comprises Ukrainian and foreign scholars according to the indicated research areas (specialties).
All the articles (papers) submitted to publishing be subject to double-blind peer review.
The journal is included in one of the most prestigious international databases of scientific journals Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
All the journal materials are registered article-by-article at Indexcopernicus.
The journal materials are represented article-by-article at the National Library Ukraine named after V.I. Vernadsky.
The Department of Personnel Certification of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine includes the journal of AIC Economics and Management in the list of scientific periodicals recommended to publish articles in for scientific degrees applicants (Economics sciences).
The journal has been added to the Google Scholar computer science base, it has a high citation index.
Open access policy
The editorial board supports the principles of free dissemination of scientific information and global exchange of knowledge for the general social progress.
The Scientific Bulletin of AIC Economics and Management an open access journal: viewing, reading, downloading and printing is free for all Internet users.
Access to the contents of the journal is possible immediately after the paper version publication.
Full-text access to scientific articles of the journal is presented on the official website in the Archives.
The authors retain all copyrights while granting the journal the right of first publication, which allows you to distribute the material under the Creative Commons Attribution Licens 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) indicating the authorship and initial publication in the journal.