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Theoretical and methodological aspects of the interpretation of the category of "stability" of agricultural enterprises

The  economic  activity  of  economic  entities  in  the  market  environment  characterized  by  financial  processes  in  relation  to  the 
marketing, production, organization and management, personnel, market and other processes is reflected in the notion of "economic 
stability." Synthesis of scientific papers allowed to establish that stability characterizes not only the opportunity to preserve equilibrium 
state when exposed to external and internal forces, but also to change properties and re-establish equilibrium, that determines whether the 
system move to a new equilibrium level. On the basis of the fundamental laws of logic knowledge stability arises to determine the 
general features of the nature and content of stability inherent social and economic systems. 
In the article the essence of economic categories "sustainability of agricultural enterprises" is described  as one of the key 
factors  to  ensure  their  sustainability  in  an  unstable  economy  of  Ukraine.  The  authors  analyzed  various  approaches  to  the 
interpretation of this definition, various scientists and economists practitioners, and made their ordering. On the basis of the study 
authors suggested their interpretation of the category studied for its fuller and deeper understanding. 
Modern  economists  are  paying  attention  to  maximize  profits  and  minimize  the  risks  of  the  enterprise.  Thus,  R.  Curno 
adapted system of differential calculus to determine the volume of production, which provides maximum profits. The calculation 
of  the  optimal  level  of  production  in  which  net  income  reaches  a  maximum,  A.  Marshall  made  in  his  work  "Principles  of 

Discussion of different schools of economic theory indicates that their opinions are not diametrically opposed. Note that the 
term "sustainability" describes the state of the relative impact on it, which is determined by internal properties of the system. 
Synthesis approaches of economic theory to understand the concept of "sustainability" has made it possible to distinguish two 
aspects: the national economic aspect, it is defined as a condition to ensure the economic equilibrium of the national market, the 
level  of  business  entity  -  as  its  ability  to  perform  long-term  industrial  and  economic  functions.  Obviously,  in  the  current 
environment of economic development entities is provided on the basis of economic growth. In view of this in modern economic 
literature, the authors do focus on study of economic stability directly enterprises belonging to the social and economic systems. 
It should be emphasized that the socio-economic system characterized by a set of different parameters, functions in terms of 
a significant number of external factors as well deviations that occur within the system is able to respond to external and internal 
environmental impacts by providing linkages between the Structural and between elements and environment. Socio-economic 
system is trying to preserve the integrity, constantly balancing between internal capabilities and external forces for long-term 
environmental performance of production functions. 
Analysis and systematization of existing approaches to understanding economic stability  gave rise to certain allegations. 
Thus,  the  most  common  approach  is  the  identification  of  financial  stability  matters,  in  particular  with  the  assessment  ratio 
between the value of total inputs required and owned and borrowed funds of their formation. As the outward manifestation of 
stability seen solvency. 
Keywords: the stability, sustainable development of the agricultural enterprise, theoretical and methodological aspects of 

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