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Principles of logistics distribution of agricultural products

The article describes the logistics system of agricultural production. Grounded characteristics of logistics in the agri-food sector through the allocation of the functioning of markets in the agribusiness system. The factors of logistics distribution systems in agricultural production. Solved the problem of agricultural products that are associated with increased requirements to the quality of the distribution and movement of goods. The analysis of costs in the system of production of material resources and finished products. Highlight industry characteristics affecting the logistics of marketing of domestic agricultural enterprises. Formed stage of production of goods movement processing enterprise to the consumer. Highlight the stages of designing and conditions of formation of the fission process in the agro-food sector. We consider the traditional functions of distribution logistics system in agribusiness. A cooperative of producers and processors of agricultural products, which mandates the inclusion of logistics distribution system processors.

Key words: logistics, logistics chain, distribution channels, costs, commercial intermediaries.

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