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Organizational and economic approaches to the transformation of the private farms in the subjects of entrepreneurial activity

The article considers the problems of the transformation of private farms in the subjects of entrepreneurial activity. Patterns of development of private farms are grounded, which is the strategy of "sustainability", the aim of which is the primary food of the members of rural households and urban residents, with whom the members of the OSG are in relationships. The main causes which do not stimulate the transformation of private farms in the subjects of entrepreneurial activity in the sphere of agribusiness are studied and ways to address them are proposed. As other factors affecting the lack of desire or ability to increase the volume of the individual farm, during the survey was a lack of funds and low purchasing prices for agricultural products, it is not possible to form the food base, the lack of reliable buyer, the lack of workers and poor health. For residents of traditional rural settlements are more influenced by such factors as increased assistance to agricultural enterprises (3 - 8,1%).

According to most scientists, employment in individual peasant farms, especially in the depressed regions of Ukraine will form the basis for the development of enterprises in the area that will eventually lead to the revival of rural development of the locality. However, as shown by the analysis of the data, the statistical service of Ukraine, the main number of persons employed in individual peasant farms are concentrated in rural settlements with a population of over 1000 people.

The author's approach to solving this problem is proposed. In our opinion, finding ways to formalize family farms and their implementation in the system of market functioning of the agricultural sector should continue. Thus, it is expedient to provide for the implementation of the following solutions [5, p. 60].

First, to legitimize the family farm as a special form of land management without purchasing them the status of legal entity or physical person-entrepreneur. This provision should be enshrined in the Civil code and other normative-legal acts. The reason for this approach is dominant in the world of business practice with respect to family farming as a specific form of economic activity that is extremely sensitive to external regulatory impact. Family farming is generally perceived (and it is necessary to legislate in Ukraine) as a guarantor of food self-sufficiency of the country, the policy instrument of rural employment and economic basis of rural development. Therefore, the regulation of its activity should be carried out in a special mode without reference to any types of business.

Secondly, the transition of private farms to the category of family farms, which are not legal or physical persons-entrepreneurs, requires first of all create the conditions and motives of voluntary acquisition of such status. This means that you need to develop and adopt regulations on simplified order of registration, accounting and reporting KFH and the conditions of taxation; program support family farming; law on special social security system for workers in family farms. These regulations should be developed and put into operation simultaneously with the legislative regulation of the establishment and activities of KFH.

Thirdly, legitimation and further institutionalization of family farms should occur in line with the streamlining of the organizational structure of agriculture in General. Problems of farmers cannot be solved in isolation, separately from the General context of structural changes in the agricultural sector. The position of family farming as one of the foundations of a stable functioning of the agricultural sector should be contained in the legislative acts concerning the development of the modern state agrarian policy and legitimation of the existing agrarian system of Ukraine. Such legislative acts can be, in particular, the Law of Ukraine "On agriculture" or "agricultural (agricultural) device, which would be introduced in the legal field agricultural holdings, independently functioning of agricultural enterprises, family farms and consumer farms.

Key words: personal peasant farming, farming, government support, self-sufficiency.

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