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Key components of balanced development of the rural sector of Ukraine
The deep changes in the development of the rural sector of Ukraine taking place since the second half of the last century
have been analyzed. The sector includes two components: agrarian (agriculture and technologically related industries) and
rural areas (production zonalbase and population settlement). The problems and prospects of the rural sector functioning in
different conceptions of the productive forces development are analyzed. The objective preconditions are generalized and
unreasonable actions of the state administration bodies concerning the rural sector in the conditions of the planned,
transitional and market economy are highlighted. The peculiarities and role of both components of the rural sector (rural
economy and the environment of the rural population) in the concept of complementary agrarian and rural development
which is a key one at the current stage of Ukrainian society and national economy functioning is profoundly analyzed and
disclosed. In particular, the development of the rural economy, taking into account negative trends, can be achieved through
production sectoral and product diversification on the basis of expanding the existing and creating new farms, through
placing non-agrarian production facilities, livestock farms and pig farms of various capacities, organization of growing crop
products with a high proportion of manual work, introducing modern methods of agro-logistics, etc.
Rural development represents providing solutions to the problems of the rural population, on the bases of using the
resource potential of the united territorial communities, as well as on initiative of rural communities in order to eliminate the
asymmetry and qualitative improvement of the living environment on the basis of increasing the availability of basic services
for inhabitants of settlements that are not centers of DTC. Taking into account the negative role of the corporate sector of
agriculture as a factor of decrease trend in all the components of the rural sector since the mid-2000's, the complementarity of
the development of its key components will be ensured through the active development of the family farm structure, which is
s an effective tool for the revival of agricultural activity in crisis zones, in remote and peripheral rural communities. The
complementarity alsodirectly contributes to overcoming poverty and unemployment of rural residents.
Key words: rural sector, agriculture, rural areas, balanced development, regions, united territorial communities, rural
communities, familyfarms.
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