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Essential quality of category “agro-food market”, its role and place in the structure of AIC

The research of the conceptional conditions of agricultural market existence and food showed that today there is no exact 
interpretation of the category “agro-food market” in the categorial and conceptual mechanism of agrarian economics, the notion 
is identified with the category of “agrarian market” or “market for farm products”, that is extended to the level of “agro-industrial 
market” by certain group of the scientists. 
The  lack  of  exact  meaningful  border  of  the  “agro-food  market”  category  complicates  the  further  treatment  of  the 
scientifically substantiated innovation and limits the opportunity of work optimization as agro-food market. 
As  far  as  major  part  of  the  agricultural  production  is  used immediately  for  nourishment  or  is remade  and  consumed  as 
provisions  by  population,  its  market  is  reasonably  examined  in  the  context  of  the  agro-food  market’s  forming.  Agro-food 
resources and provisions are the object of the buying and selling on the given market. 
In I.Lopashchuk opinion, “agro-food market” is the system of social and economic relations in the sphere of agro-industrial 
production, re-distribution, interchange and resources’ consumption that was formed under the influence of demand and supply. 
However, from the research results, in our opinion, agro-food market is reasonably examined as the system that envelopes 
broad  range  of  economic  relations,  that  is  showed  in  the  process  of  the  interaction  between  agricultural  producers,  remade 
factories (food industry), go-betweens (the operators of exchange, wholesale and retail trade) and other market subject apropos 
movement of agro-food resources, and final consumers too. 
So,  “agrarian  market”  should  be  perceived  as  the  system  of  the  economic  relations,  apropos  buying  and  selling  of 
exceptionally agricultural products (the object of labor): raw material and products that was worked up by primary processing. 
In addition to that, “agro-industrial market” is a market of production means (equipment, technics, means of chemicalization 
and  so  on),  that  secure  effective  work  of  agro-industrial  complex.    Such  thought  is  held  by  V.  Andriichuk,  
P. Haidutskyi, P. Sabluk and others. 
So given categories are independent and can’t be used as interchangeable. It is a need to lay the stress on that the interaction 
of these markets forms market structure of all agro-industrial complex. 
The most important characteristic of agro-food market is its social direction. The main factors that determine the state and 
dynamics of elements of the market mechanism are biological needs in food stuff, paying capacity of population that are formed 
by producers. 

The  aim  of  agro-food  market  is  worthy  supposed  a  satisfaction  of  consumers’  needs  in  food  stuff  and  agricultural  raw 
materials through the market mechanism of demand and supply. 
The results of our research affirm that agro-food market is structural unit of AIC that connects two economic industries: 
agriculture and food industry.  Its object is contentment of consumers’ needs in food stuff and agricultural raw materials that 
serves as a basis of food production through the market mechanism of demand and supply. In addition to that, identifying market 
sign is agro-food resources and provisions, that is the subject of buying and selling. Functioning complicacy of agro-food market 
depends on availability  of huge number of subjects that ensure production, movement, distribution and consumption of agro-
Keywords: agro-food market, market structure, subjects of the agri-food market. 

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