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Economic aspects of production of livestock products in agricultural enterprises
The subject of research is the scientific and practical aspects of livestock production in Ukraine. The purpose of the article is to determine the economic principles of livestock production in agricultural enterprises. The data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, the results of research by scientists and our own developments were used. The following methods of scientific research were applied: abstract-logical, monographic, statistical-economic and systematic
Trends in production were established in three strategically important subsectors of livestock farming in the agrarian formations of Ukraine: poultry farming, pig breeding and cattle breeding. Based on the analysis, it was found that the production of livestock products in agricultural enterprises is a specialized area and is concentrated mainly in large and medium-sized livestock complexes.
To solve the problematic issues of agribusiness development in Ukraine, which are related to logistics and sales of agricultural products on foreign markets, the need to diversify the directions of production in agricultural enterprises through the combination of crop production and more labour-intensive livestock and processing production units were confirmed. This will make it possible to reduce production risks and seasonality of labour, to increase the wage funds in enterprises, etc.
Based on the analysis of the impact of technological factors on the economic efficiency of livestock production in agricultural enterprises, the need for intensification of production through improving the feed base and organizing breeding work, optimizing the turnover and reproduction of the main livestock of livestock and poultry during the year, etc., were substantiated. For the effective development of livestock in agricultural enterprises, it is necessary to improve marketing and sales activities, organization and motivation personnel.
Key words: livestock products, agricultural enterprise, production specialization, production diversification, efficient production, production intensification, labour organization.
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