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Current state and ways of improving technical service of agricultural machinery

One  of  the  topical  issues  of  the  agricultural  sector  of  Ukraine  is  technical  support  of  agricultural  producers  at  high 
quantitative and qualitative levels. The efficiency of agricultural machinery used on farms is maintained through repairing, the 
cost of which is rising every year. The high degree of equipment tear and wear, insufficient volumes of spear parts purchasing 
combined  with  the  poor  quality  of  the    majority  of  technical  repair  materials  used  can  not  provide  the  appropriate  level  of 
technical readiness and reliability of machine fleet of agricultural producers, which ultimately results in to serious violations of 
technological  processes  of  crops  growing  and  harvesting,  as  well  as  in  negative  impact  on  the  yield,  products  quality 
characteristics and cost. 
Obviously, the potential of agricultural machinery are  transformed into real capabilities only under high organizational level 
of its use, as 80–90 % of the economic benefits from new technology introduction is implemented in its operation field. However, 
despite the  bad  shortage  of  means in the  agricultural  sector,  only    40–50 %  of  the  machines  potential is  used at  agricultural 
enterprises. The reasons for this are shortcomings in the system of production technical maintenance. 
Checking the  equipment for to their meeting the national system of  machines technology is not  carried out properly at 
agricultural  enterprises.  Also,  its  adaptability  to  local  conditions,  oil  quality,  existing  repair  and  servicing  facilities  are  not 
assessed.  There  is  no  objective  information  concerning  new  models  of  agricultural  machinery  available  for  a  wide  range  of 
agricultural commodity. 
Under  such  conditions  it  would  be  reasonable  to  restore  the  system  of  certification  of  equipment  testing  results  at  the 
domestic  machine  testing  stations.  Agricultural  machinery,  bought  by  agricultural  producers  who  buy  on  credit  under  state 
guarantee,  should  be  checked particularly  closely.  Information  on  the test results and  free  competition  of  different  machines 
manufacturers  will allow to identify the most beneficial among them and to reduce the price. 
The study has found that the bulk of repair work (up to 90 %) of  Kyiv region farms is done by the farms without using 
specialized  equipment,  necessary  materials,  under  shortage  of  quality  spare  parts  on  the  account  of    depreciated  parts  of 
decommissioned machines. However, this source has already depleted, as evidenced by the machinery cancellation termination, 
the stabilization of their number and increase in repairs. 
The  accomplished  farms  grouping    has  found  out  a  positive  influence  in  improving  the  key  performance  indicators  of 
economic activity  under increasing the share of the costs for spare parts purchasing in the structure of the total cost of  crop 
production. This indicates a high rate of expenses return for the purchase of spare parts and using agricultural machinery in the 
technological process. 
It  has  been  found  out  that  the  key  element  in  the  technical  service  is  the  system  of  maintenance  and  repair  aimed  at 
maintaining  the  equipment  in  working  condition,  ensuring  a  high  degree  of  technical  readiness  of  the  machine  fleet  to  do 
agricultural works, decreasing the share of the costs in production price. 
Our studies allowed to identify the following key areas for further improvement of the system of technical service under the 
current development of agricultural production: mandatory participation of manufacturers  in technical service to ensure full and 
timely satisfy producers’ wants in all areas of agribusiness; optimization of technical service enterprises placement network and 
aimed at countering the monopoly in this area; improvement of organizational forms and technologies of repair and maintenance 
of  machines  to  ensure  their  reliable  and  effective  work;  creating  rental  centres,  specialized  units  efficient  functioning  to 
implement mechanized agricultural operations; conformation of repair and servicing base of agriculture, including production of 
new vehicles and parts with the demand for services of  the structure of existing facilities; rendering services to machines users 
with on order to extend the machinery life, purchasing from their users after lifetime, recovery and sale in the secondary market 
at  bargain  prices  with  a  guarantee;  timely  providing  consumers  with  spare  parts,  refurbished    units;  extending  cooperation 
between the repair service enterprises and machines producing factories; development of new forms of organization of services 
(inter-farm  association  of  machines  production  and  maintenance,  regional  technical  centers);  dealer  model  application  in 
providing consumers with the services. 
Keywords:  technical  service,  organization  of  agricultural  machines  support  maintaining,  machines  fleet,  agricultural 
machinery, repair base, maintenance system, efficient use of machines. 

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