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Theoretical aspects of efficiency of machines and tractors in agricultural enterprises

Means of agricultural production are essential and integral elements of an integrated system of logistics, because the rational 
combination and playback promote effective development of agricultural enterprises. 
Synthesis approaches to the study of the category of "efficiency" made it possible to identify several areas of "alternative 
value"; "Pareto optimality"; approach "factor productivity" unit of resources used at the same time; costly and effective; target. 
Efficiency ICC farm advisable to determine how to achieve the best result possible from the use of technology, otherwise 
you should use the term "efficiency". We believe that in addition to the effective approach in determining the efficiency tractor 
fleet targeted approach can be used as performance is determined by the results, which are the basis for the definition of the 
objectives of the enterprise. 
It is proved that among the possible areas of reproduction of agricultural machinery the most radical means of eliminating 
obsolescence  is  the  introduction  of  new  machines  on  the  ecological  and  technological  basis  to  facilitate  implementation  of 
sustainable agricultural development, environmental protection and safety. In terms of limited financial feasibility of the process 
complete reproduction of agricultural machinery should provide partial reproduction, to extend the life of equipment and the 
creation of conditions for its use in the production process. 
Analysis of the efficiency of agricultural companies ICC should provide a system and implementation of successive stages: 
analysis  and  evaluation  of  the  use  of  tractor  fleet;  current  analysis  and  evaluation  of  the  use  of  certain  tractors,  agricultural 
machinery, their complexes in the performance of individual mechanized operations; operational analysis of the use of tractors, 
combines and individual units while performing agricultural work. 
The main indicators of the efficiency of tractor fleet are: the level of implementation of  variable daily and annual work 
norms; level of technical readiness, use of technology and work; the level of mechanization of production processes; the cost per 
hectare mechanized operations; size reduced costs. 
With  the  effective  use  of  technology  should  ensure  the  development  of  a  network  of  technical  service,  repair  shops  of 
agricultural  enterprises;  repair  units  manufacturers;  ahroservise  dealer  companies;  dedicated  network  of  repair  facilities  agro 
technical  service  (machine-technological  stations,  inter-farm  association  with  the  production  and  maintenance  of  regional 
technical centers). This will facilitate the convergence of technical services to the requirements of producers, reducing cost of 
maintenance engineering, quality repair work, the rational use of production capacities technical service departments. To protect 
the interests  of  producers  and  ensure  an  appropriate level  of  quality  repairs  advisable  to  establish  an independent  system  of 
evaluation and system of information and consultation services providing technical service. 
Keywords: efficiency, economic benefit factors of efficiency, machine-tractor fleet agricultural enterprise. 

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