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Systematics factors agrologistiki development in Ukraine

Nowadays the question of research and analysis of development factors of agrarian logistic is dedicated a great amount of scientific publications. Scientist of our country and foreign ones are working on this question. But the researchers examine factors of the agrarian logistic development from different sides. The trend and the content are comprehended in a different way. Thereby the systematization of logistic development factors for the agrarian sphere is necessary because of its urgent problematic for Ukrainian agriculture.

The object of the scientific research is the systematization of factors of the logistic development for the agrarian sphere of Ukraine.

The result of the scientific research is the classification of factors which have an influence on the agrarian logistic development in Ukraine. The development of such a classification was based on the globalization processes of the international exchanging and the integration into the world market. Key necessities of native agricultural producers were also taken into consideration.

The agrarian logistic development factors can be classified as global and subglobal by the scale, as internal and external by the place of the appearance (concerning the logistics system), as economic, technical, technological, political, social, environmental, demographic and national by the content. The detailed classification combines 27 factors:

1) the development of international agrarian business,

2) the actualizing of the effectiveness increasing problem of international agrarian business,

3) the international expansion of agricultural production,

4) the growth of the international trade of agricultural production,

5) the aggravation of struggle for logistic flows of agricultural production at the world market,

6) the international labor division and the cooperation in the agrarian business sphere,

7) development and implementation of international programs and projects of logistic orientation,

8) the necessity of providing competitive advantages of native agrarian production at the world target market

9) changing of market philosophy,

10) creation and expansion of interstate regional economic associations in the form of customs unions, free trade zones, economic zones with national liberal customs tariff regime,

11) increasing of economic power of regions,

12) the growing food deficit and the threat of food security,

13) universal spreading of general quality manage conception,

14) development and opportunities for the global using of information and communication technologies,

15) infrastructure development as a system in international economy,

16) the growth of agricultural production and increasing of costs in sphere of circulation,

17) complications of market relations and increasing of demands of product distribution quality,

18) scientific and technical progress in the creation of automated production,

19) unification of the rules and regulations of foreign trade, standardization of hardware options in different countries,

20) reaching the efficiency of agricultural production,

21) fundamental changes in inventory management philosophy,

22) creation of specialized product lines,

23) significant expansion of the range product line of agricultural production

24) environmental problems,

25) the appearance of new big network of retail sale and the increasing amount of commercial companies of bulk sale with broad and long supply chain (complex logistic systems)

26) significant movement of agricultural production from the raw material sourcing to the final consumer,

27) the share of logistic costs in the cost structure of the agricultural sector and agricultural enterprises which are constantly growing.

Factors mentioned above divided into three levels by significance. The first level include 15 (1-12, 14, 15, 19, 24) factors, the second - 9 (8, 13, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, 25) and the third - 3 (21, 26, 27).

The first level factors are the results of globalization processes of the international exchanging and the integration in various spheres of a social life. They are appeared in the further internationalization of economical processes, in deepening of international division of labor, in the expansion of international economic relations, in the strengthening of national economy systems interdependence, and in forming of the only economic organism of a global type.

Factors of the second level are generated by the competition between the producers and the necessity of preservation of their market share. Third level factors of significance provoked by manufacturers will to improve the system of customer service by implementing "just-in-time" concepts and reducing the costs.

Exploring the factors of agricultural logistics is important to adjust (or formation) of a new logistic strategy ACE (agricultural enterprise) of Ukraine. It has a strong influence on the overall strategy and further development of agriculture.

Factors classification is an important point in deciding the strategic objectives of agricultural logistic: providing maximum adaptation of farms to market conditions, increasing their own market share, creating appropriate conditions for obtaining competitive advantages and long-term business success, reducing the costs of logistics operations, improving the management logistic of the agricultural enterprise, creating a high level of logistical capacity of the agricultural enterprises, the formation of complex utility of agricultural product (or logistic services) for consumers, the efficiency increasing of logistic systems of agricultural enterprise, forming of logistical systems of agricultural enterprises.

The studying of external factors of the agricultural logistic development is important to forming (correction) the model of relations with suppliers, intermediares and customers; improving of technical and technological base of logistic systems; development of modern logistic technologies for efficient logistic activities.

Key words: agrologistics, factors, agroproduction, market transformations, globalization.


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