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Public financing of agricultural enterprises

With the development of civilized market relations, special attention regulation of economic processes in the agricultural sector. The complexity of the economic situation in Ukraine agriculture ¬ significant extent caused by the imperfect state leverage over the development of the industry, not enough informed dictions aimed at overcoming of negative effects. The most important problems that require urgent solution - public funding of domestic agricultural enterprises.

Without the financial resources that economists call "the blood of the economy," production system does not exist. Active government policies the progressive innovative development of the agricultural sphere of agriculture, based on the adoption of relevant legislation, the development of effective mechanisms to implement them in practice, the financial support of agricultural production in the Commercial subsidy, subsidies, grants, tax incentives insurance, and contributes significantly to the growth opportunities under the enterprises in the production and performance management.

Financing of enterprises has challenging and yet necessary component for successful development of the industry and keeping it at a competitive level with relatively developed agricultural countries.

We believe that public funding of agricultural enterprises should take into account the mandatory level of performance achieved by entities that did not happen preserving the structure of production, which will be based on limited sources of economic growth in the agricultural sector.

Since 2000, the government increase funding for agriculture, adopted the Law of Ukraine "On the State does not predict and grammar development of economic and social development Ukraine", which define the legal, economic and organizational principles of an integrated system of software mints, general installed on line of development, approval and implementation of the rights and responsibilities of the participants.

Sectoral programs are designed to implement State policy on the regulation of this sector of the economy, the concentration of financial, technical and other resources, production and scientific technical meant potential, and co-ordination of central and local executive bodies and local authorities, enterprises, institutions, organizations and public citizens to solve major problems of the industry. Public Mayhem should be different from measures clearly defined purpose concrete style objectives and indicators have been brought to a certain range of artists, facilities maintenance, and responsibility for their performance in the pre-set time.

One way to resolve the situation that glass lays in public policy regarding public funding of agricultural enterprises is to change the ideology of form the state budget, especially it you additionally parts. Instead of line-item budgeting method has become a program based IUTod (PPB).

More appropriate to implement this division of the existing articles of budget expenditures for public funding of agricultural enterprises:

- Government programs that determine the main direction of development of the agricultural sector agribusiness long term (5-10 years);

- targeted programs that directly support the implementation of state programs;

- actions to perform one-time or ongoing commitment to support and disposal effects of economic or natural disasters.

Thus, public funding agrarian sector must change its orientation, thereby increasing the effectiveness of state aid. State responsibilities are to create favorable conditions for the development of industrial and social infrastructure in rural areas through economic booms, including special government programs, government contracts and quotas for public information systems.

Key words: public finance, agribusiness, agriculture, business, agribusiness, government support budget.

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