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Economic efficiency of production of green-stuffs of the opened soil is on the example of STOV “Demetra” Umanskogo the district

A research object in the danniy article is STOV «Demetra» the Uman district of the Tcherkasy area. In gospodarstvi a few grow vidiv cultures from potentially high gross zborom from one hectare - kapusta, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrot, table beet, bow, garlic, cheap restaurants. The sowing area of green-stuffs of the opened soil in STOV «Demetra» hesitated for to the years. If to examine green-stuffs of vcilomu on an economy, it is possible to say, that in 2007r. it was most for all 5 years and made 15 hectares, that on 9 hectares more than in 2009r. If to compare 2011r. from 2007r., evidently, that an area diminished 4 hectares or on 26,4%. Gross collection of green-stuffs of the opened soil also considerably changed for probed period. Yes, if in 2011r. 1062 c of green-stuffs of the opened soil was mine-out in STOV «Demetra», in 2007r. only 220 c. It is related to the substantial decline of sowing areas of green-stuffs of the opened soil, so as a level of their productivity considerably rose from 14,7 c/hectare in 2007r. to 96,5 c/hectare is in 2011r. or in 5 times.

The level of marketability of green-stuffs of the opened soil is high enough and with every year grows. The prime price of realization 1 c of green-stuffs constantly grew and in 2011 year was 93,33 on 1 c. For probed period the cost of realization was increased in 12 times.A production of green-stuffs of the opened soil in an economy for probed period is cost-effective and profitable. The greatest a level of profitability was in 2011 year – 535,8%. It is explained that there was a high enough cost of realization of green-stuffs at the market.

STOV «Demetra» is well adjusted to the menage in market conditions, and the production of green-stuffs of the opened soil brings in considerable returns.

Key words: vegetable-growing, land, farm, labor productivity, specialization, efficiency.

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