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Ecological modernization of technologically dangerous productions Ukraine

Problems of environmental and technological safety in Ukraine become extreme urgency. For their solution is necessary to develop the 
scientific foundations of ecological safety of Ukraine, the methodology of its implementation system ensuring environmental and natural-
technogenic safety, environmental upgrading technological-hazardous industries and state-management mechanisms for its implementation. 
The  implementation  of  the  state  policy  on  environmental  safety  first  should  include  setting  goals  and  elements  of  the 
government to achieve them. Laws of the priorities of Ukraine's national interests outline the environmental aspect as technologically and 
environmentally-friendly living conditions of citizens and society, environmental preservation and rational use of natural resources. Public 
policy environmental safety - is the way to solving and preventing environmental and technological issues. 
The  system  of  providing  environmental  and  natural  and  technogenic  safety,  environmental  upgrading  technologically  dangerous 
productions - a complex system with all its features, manifested by the interaction of natural, political, economic, legal, social, including 
military factors, which makes it possible to see its whole, with its own laws of development and structural components. 
Ukraine is among the countries with high levels of negative environmental impact of industrial activity. The structure of the industrial 
potential of Ukraine is potentially hazardous industries have a significant share. In the whole country, they account for about 43% of 
industrial production fixed assets, about one third of output. 
The high concentration of population and industrial production adversely impact among the above and in some regions due to uneven 
population settlement and placement of industrial production in Ukraine this impact created a very tense ecological situation. 
The groups of environmentally hazardous facilities in Ukraine are: nuclear power plants, reservoirs, oil, food, gas, and amiako and 
hloroprovody; businesses that use chlorine, metallurgical, chemical and petrochemical industry, energy, water and sanitation, solid waste. 
Today,  the  production  and  living  conditions  at  hand  so  that  we must  always  take  into  account  the  potential  environmental  and 
individual regions in terms of opportunities to use it. The human impact has acquired unprecedented proportions intensity. 
The problem of balancing economy and ecology, especially for technologically dangerous productions comes down to the need for 
environmental improvement of all types of nature provided their self-reproduction. An important part of this optimization is to ensure the 
environmental safety of the population living in the region. 
Scientific approach to the creation of territorial organization methodology hazardous activities provides a comprehensive analysis of the 
actual state of all resources, prospects of development of technology and production technology. To study the interaction characteristics of 
potentially hazardous activities with the environment they need to be typing: radiation, chemical-, fire and explosive and hydrodynamically 
dangerous objects. 
Reasons worsening environmental problems due to the placement of potentially dangerous production are: 
- In the expansion of production and distribution of productive forces had not taken into account the vulnerability of natural ecosystems; 
- Industries developed based on extensive methods; 
- Requirements on environmental safety technologies considered simplistic; 
- Does not take into account the need to ensure public safety and limitation of environmental risk. 
Ways  to  improve  environmental  safety  assessments  of  unity  is  the  degree  of  vulnerability  of  the  environment  and  the  possible 
consequences of emergencies. The complexity of solving these problems in conditions of intense urbanization compounded by the fact that 
many factors influence on human environment combined with the multiplicity and interdependence same factors. Because of the difficult 
environmental conditions, it is necessary to take a fresh approach to addressing the deployment of new companies and expansion of existing 
ones. The new approach identifies priority environmental safety of the population and takes into account the spatial differentiation of the 
natural environment of the regions. 
International cooperation is now becoming the main instrument for ensuring environmental security of individual countries and the 
world at large. To help Ukraine to other countries is primarily in obtaining clean technologies. Since the solution to the problem of industrial 
pollution of the country can be achieved only through a new generation of equipment. 
For the sustainable development of the national economy is an important change in ecological strategy - switching from identifying 
environmental hazards to environmental risk assessment. Unable to completely non-waste production and pollution reduced to zero, but the 
risk can be assessed Industrial and make it acceptable by making monitoring and developing the system of protective measures. The first step 
is to change the functional nature of scientific and technological development, modernization of technological-hazardous activities, since all 
systems must develop the productive forces, without engaging in destructive conflicts with the environment. 
So  ecological  modernization  technologically  dangerous  productions,  creation  and  implementation  of  innovative,  environmentally 
friendly technologies and technical devices predumov formation of the economic development should be the dominant Ukrainian society in 
the near future. 
Keywords: ecological modernization, potentially dangerous object, ecological danger dangerous, technological-production. 

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