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Factors of architecture efficiency of Ukrainian institutes of budgetary system
The article aims to broaden the theoretical and methodological foundations and scientific substantiation of approaches to improving the efficiency of institutional structure of the budget system Ukraine on the basis of high-quality institutional support for its formation and functioning.
This study is based on systemic and evolutionary approaches that provide a comprehensive understanding of the institutional structure of the budget system. The institutional architecture improvement requires identifying various characteristics, direct relations and feedback as well as dependencies that arise in the formation of budget policy of Ukraine.
This study is based on systemic and evolutionary approaches that provide a comprehensive understanding of the institutional structure of the budget system. The institutional architecture improvement requires identifying various characteristics, direct relations and feedback as well as dependencies that arise in the formation of budget policy of Ukraine.
The study deals with appraisal of the degree of perfection of the architecture influence on and institutional order, the budget process and the budget system efficiency. The practical importance is determined by the fact that theoretical and methodological provisions, conclusions and practical recommendations make the scientific basis for developing a new holistic concept of forming the institutional order of the budget system in terms of its decentralization. The analysis shows that the degree of perfection of the architecture and institutional architecture of the budget system significantly affects the efficiency of the budget process. It changes the philosophy of public finance management and creates incentives for dominance in the public choice of the Putnam group (those who care about public needs) rather than Olson (those who think primarily about their own needs). The study has noted some problems of control over the budget funds use depending on the society maturity.
Conclusions on the ability of the budget system perfect architecture and institutional order to direct the potential of inclusive markets to welfare improvement, to implement innovations and invest them in people requires the state to consider them critical to economic growth and nation's wealth. The budget system must be organically integrated into the overall system of governance and be fully accountable and transparent in the new institutional order with inclusive economic and political institutions.
Keywords: institutional order, institutional environment, market institutions, budget, budget process, formal and informal institutions.
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