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Macrofiscal trendsof direct taxesin Ukraine
Recently for direct taxes there isan in herentpartialloss of fiscal potential. The main reasons are the low incomes of the population, the high level of taxfraud une ven distribution of the taxburden.
A significant contribution to the research of direct taxes was made by famous foreign scientists: D. Bradford, J. Mirrlees, A. Smith, J. Stiglitz. F. Ramsey, D. Ricardo and others. Theoretical and practical bases of research of direct taxation have been laid by Ukrainian scientists: M. Alieksieienko, S. Vitte, S. Ilovaiskyi, A. Isaiev, T. Yefymenko, A. Krysovatyi,
I. Patlaievskyi, A. Sokolovska, V. Fedosov and others.
I. Patlaievskyi, A. Sokolovska, V. Fedosov and others.
The purpose of the article is to determine the trends of direct taxes in the context of general macro-fiscal tendencies in Ukraine.
There are main components of the assessment of macrofiscal trends in direct taxes: 1) assessment of the dynamics of the total volume of direct taxes accumulated in the budget; 2) analysis of the structure of receipts of direct taxes and structural shifts; 3) analysis of the impact of macrofinancial and macroeconomic factors on the formation of direct taxes receipts.
Determining the total amount of directtaxes to the budgets of different levels summati on provides revenues for directtaxes, the compositionis constant lychanging. "Classic" directtaxes for Ukraine are directtaxes, which coped during the who leperiod of itsowntax system is in cometaxandtax onprofits. Other direct taxes copeinsome periods of the tax system – tax from vehicleownersando ther self-propelledmachinery, landtax, propertytax, singletax, etc.
The level of direct taxes in tax revenues for 2011-2015 fluctuated at 33-42% and for the reporting period of 2016 it made 39.42%. Retrospective analysis of direct taxation suggests reducing the fiscal role from 2007 to 2011: in 2007 – 47.23% against 38.45% in 2011. A slight increase in the share of direct taxes was in 2012-2013, and it achieved maximum value in the amount of 41.58% in 2013 and a corresponding reduction in 2014-2015 due to the reduction of the tax base, such as reducing of the financial result from corporate tax and reduceof individuals’income.
Thus, the share of direct taxes was less than 42%, that did not provided forming of half of tax revenues and reducing of the fiscal importance of direct taxes which resulted in increase from the fiscal importance of indirect taxation (VAT, excise duty, customs duty, etc.). Since indirect taxes negate the requirement of social justice, the share of direct taxes should increase, but this provision is contrary to the of fiscal practice Ukraine.
The level of the budget and tax planning in Ukraine is not up to the mark and rejection of planned and actual indicators fluctuated at 7% in the over-direction and underperformance. In 2007-2015. Exceeded targets occurred in 2007, 2008, 2011 and 2015, but the targets underperformance is a typical phenomenon for tax management.
Dynamics of elasticity of direct taxes shows minor deviations between the rate of increase in tax revenues and general revenues from direct taxes. In 2012-2013 direct taxes implemented fiscal capacity and overall performance slightly exceeded, but in 2014-2015 fiscal capacity of direct taxes decreased significantly and the elasticity coefficient was 0.89.
The direct taxes are an integral part of the state tax system and form a third of all tax revenues. The fiscal capacity of the system of direct taxation in Ukraine is quite powerful, but there are significant budget losses due tothe preferential tax treatment of corporate income tax and property tax untapped opportunities. The main budget-direct taxes in Ukraine are the income tax andthe corporate income tax. After reforming of the simplified system of taxation in 2012 the fiscal effectiveness of the single tax on individuals significantly increased. Negative trends include reduction of the share of direct taxes in tax revenues and reduction in the tax coverage, indicating the diminishing role of direct taxes in the financing needs of society.
Key words: direct taxes, personal income tax, corporate income tax.
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