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The public management of the social and economic rural development
In the present article described the current stage of the rural development, researched factors which prevent the development and proved they are result of the inconsistent state policy, of limited local budgets, of not efficient local self-government, of absence of rights and opportunities for rural populations to solve the issues at local level, low level of rural cooperation as well as information and consultation activities.
It has been analyzed the experience of European countries of rural development and revealed that there for a long period acts the complex of administrative, economic, legal and other instruments oriented on rural development, created the interdepartmental and multilevel managing and financing systems for the agricultural development. Based on general theories it is stipulated the role of the local municipality for the problem solving process on social and economic development of the community, where the local administration becomes a coordinator of the development and people in such conditions take decisions.
Proposed the model of the public management of the social and economic rural development based on the concept of “clever village”, where implemented a new type of management for Ukraine in the chain ‘state-village council-agribusiness-rural communities’. The basic element of such model is the man-centeredness, namely development oriented for satisfaction of needs and interests of the rural population where rural people to become participants and leaders of the processes.
It becomes possible only under union of the mutual interests and cooperation of activities, communication, innovation, technologies, and deeper using of knowledge what enables villages more efficiently to sell products and services on local and world markets, involve local and foreign investments.
The key here is a proper government and involvement of people for the active cooperation. Special attention attracted to the skills of computer literacy, internet access and other basic services, relevant level of education. With this should be incorporated the individual program of “clever village” for each separate rural territory, which takes into account its regional specifics and interest of village communities. The program as well foresees the development of cooperation, production diversification, development of green tourism, local crafts and implementation of cluster models of rural development. For the stable rural development should be created opportunities for people to realize their own entrepreneurial initiatives first of all in agriculture, via development of family farming and multifaceted production.
Special place in the program takes informative and educational activities (conferences, round tables, summer schools etc). For this goal needs to be ensured self-organizing and functioning of interactions groups, to initiate education for village activists and future leaders for organization of local development on the basis of communities, to expand the social network of rural communities In order to support private farms to educate them basics of agricultural business, to ensure access to databases on purchasing and usage of production resources, selling of agricultural produces, support in experience exchange, solving of legal and finance issues is offered to create informative and educational centers, based on leading high schools, with principal of state and private partnership, which synchronizes the chain “education-science-production’, in terms of introduction the innovative technologies on concrete territories
It the article is proved that main goal for any management in the public sphere is an achievement of maximum efficiency and results with minimum resources, time and efforts.
Keywords: public management, rural, state, rural council, agrobusiness, rural community, public-private collaboration, social and economic development.
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