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ОСОБЛИВОСТІ ФОРМУВАННЯ ТОВАРОРУХУ ПРОДУКЦІЇ НА АГРОПРОДОВОЛЬЧОМУ РИНКУ Some peculiarities of production distribution formation on the agricultural food market
The article describes the essence of the distribution channel and different kinds of agricultural products distribution channels. The value of sales activities in providing the maximum level of production efficiency has been proved. It has been found out that the distribution channels contribute to the planning implementation, the relationship between the market agents as well as the functional units of the organization, industrial and commercial enterprises and consumers. The main participants of agricultural products distribution channels and the functions they perform are considered. The research has showed that the efficiency of multi-level distribution channels depends on the number of buyers and manufacturers specialization. It has been found that manufacturers possessing their own channels have the opportunity to increase the efficiency of investment in production activities, and the mediators are usually more efficient in target markets promotion and development. It has been proved that it is beneficial for producers to choose the products distribution channels in which they have the opportunity to influence the development of intermediary promotion strategies and the best presentation of the products. Considerable attention is paid to the process of agricultural products distribution through direct and indirect distribution channels. However, it is established that the length of the channel in the goods distribution determines the number of independent participants i.e. it consists of certain stages of goods movement. It was evident that a company can use vertical or horizontal integration by purchasing a similar specialization company in order to strengthen its position on this stage canal. There have been separated the components of the value chain typical for agricultural market. Ways of the process of domestic agricultural formations products marketing optimization are proposed. The expediency of using various intermediaries in the agrarian food market is proved. The specific features of agricultural products, raw materials and food sales through various channels of distribution are considered. Possible schemes of agricultural products, raw materials and food distribution channels are revealed through considering the participants treatment costs. The suggested schemes allow to optimize expenses of each of the participants of agricultural products distribution, as well as general transaction costs. Positive trends in the development of agrarian food market are revealed. the Socio-economic, geographical, industrial, trade and transport factors influencing agricultural products distribution are developed and substantiated.
It is proved that all the processes of goods movement should be organized optimally for successful distribution of agricultural products, raw materials and food on the domestic market. It is found out that optimization of agricultural products raw materials and food trade flows ensures timely products delivery to the customers, allows to minimize transaction costs and increases the manufacturer informing on the consumer market. Recommendations on optimization the expenses of members of the organization of agricultural products promotion in agrarian food market are developed.
Key words: distribution channels, merchandising, food, integration.
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