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Summary of the categories of economic security and agricultural enterprises
The paper explores the interpretation of the concept of "economic security" many scientists; proposed their own definition of "economic security farms"; studied components of the economic security of agricultural enterprises and give their characterization and proposed an integrated model to ensure the economic security of agricultural enterprises.
Ukraine agriculture belongs to priority industries and an important component of national complex, so it rises or declines in the development directly affect all sectors of the economy. Under the conditions of market economy of post-socialist countries is important to ensure the economic security of agro industrial complex in every region of the country.
"The economic security of the agricultural enterprise - it will be the most effective use of corporate resources to prevent threats and ensure stable operation of the business now and in the future" [1]. Quite an interesting definition, which includes the hard definable size - efficient use of corporate resources. Of course, the use of corporate resources as a cause or as a consequence, can characterize the degree of economic security. The definition does not mention the possibility of using economic resources unincorporated insurance, such as state police. Also it is not clear whether fast, dynamic development of the company in the concept of stable operation.
Economic security company - is a state certain economic entity in which the vital components of the structure and activities of the company have a high exponent of protection from unwanted changes. [2] General definitions to accurately reflect the essence of insurance companies, but do not provide criteria for assessing the state of the company itself. It should be noted that the definition is not used the word "threat" and the term "adverse change".
Thus, the development of agriculture is vital for Ukraine. By the competitive advantages of Agriculture Ukraine include almost unique combination of resources for agricultural production and proximity to international markets, and that the availability of land resources in the economies of Ukraine on average significantly higher than in European countries. Without social effective system of economic security can not be achieved real success of the agricultural sector, to achieve a leading market position and ensure long-term effective functioning in a competitive market environment. Ensuring economic security of the agricultural sector is a guarantee of stability and efficiency not only of its development but also food security, the development of other sectors of rural areas.
Based on the research, we came to the conclusion that the poor level of economic security of Ukraine in general and its agricultural sector in particular. Financial security farms exposed to many different factors. Some of them occur in the environment of the company and is entirely dependent on its activities, while others are the result of the environment and the impact on them is very limited. In a crisis, increasing adverse impact of external factors on the economic environment of business entities that require the enterprise to the general acceleration of force to prevent their harmful effects.
Key words: agrarian enterprise, agriculture, economic security, components, agriculture, gazelle, investment attractiveness, risk.
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