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In this article the problematic aspects of agricultural and processing enterprises, which form the commodity supply to agro-food market, is defined. The main marketing tasks, that have to be done by entities, are dedicated, they include: research of agri-food market situation; expansion of the impact on agricultural markets and sales intensification; optimization of the ratio between supply and demand in the developed market segments; increasing the competitive advantage of agricultural enterprises; forming and maintaining positive image of companies with branding phased transition to a competitive types of products; sales stimulation. Selling of agri-food products requires to bring it to a particular buyer by contracts, storage, packaging, processing and direct sale. It was found that the enterprise effectiveness depends on the choice of distribution channels, and the price, turnover rate of working capital, the cost of treatment affects it.

It is found that one of the most promising areas of agri-food retail trade is branded trade which is focused on a deeper study of consumer demand, market research to count the consumers’ wishes and comments. The effectiveness of promising tools of distribution policy is estimated.

The core and peculiarities of promotion system on agro-food market are pointed. Generalization of prominent scientists’ opinions made it possible to give a definition for sales promotion, which we interpret as a set of techniques used during the life cycle on three market participants, namely the consumer, wholesale intermediary and sales staff for short-term increase sales and attract potential buyers.

Reveals the practical aspects of using methods of products promotion. It should be noted that agro-food production trading is different, because the goods are inelastic and they are almost always in demand. The main direction of sales promotion for agrarian processing sphere is to improve cooperation with major wholesale customers through higher quality of service. Based on the results of the milk wholesalers survey we have substantiated the directions of improving the sales system for this channel. To assess the sales organization for dairy plants every interaction with the customer should be done on a single order that all the requests of existing and potential customers bring in a customer's card. Based on that the management reports are formed. It is created the general scheme of the department for supporting relationships between milk business and its clients.

We believe that in order to improve the performance of regional sales representatives it is sensible to use a tablet computer or device with the MobieSOP system. The study found that the main criteria for selecting intermediaries in distribution channels appropriate to consider the characteristics of consumers, businesses, and product features.

It was found that the integration of members of a goods movement channel is provided by a unified advertising system and impact on consumers within the incentive marketing. An important role in the integration processes and coordination of action of members of goods movement channels is played by the relations between manufacturers, suppliers of raw materials, trade bodies, public. The forms of cooperation between participants of goods movement is described in the article.

The main stages of searching for partners on internal and external market are listed. The modern technology of agro-food products promotion is considered. It is analyzed the current state and problems of evaluating of sales personnel work and the principles of its improving. We believe that the remuneration system at agricultural and processing enterprises have to be agreed with the strategic goals. The motivation system for staff of marketing and distribution departments in the industry is proposed. Practical recommendations for improving the promotion of agro-food on the market.

Key words: distribution, brand trading, promotion system, integration, agri-food market.

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