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Methodical approach to evaluation of commodities’ advancement efficiency using online-instruments
This article summarizes arguments and counter-argument within the limits of scientific discussion through the question of efficiency of the use of online-instruments of commodities advancement to the market. Primary purpose of undertaken research was the development of the methodical approach to the efficiency evaluation of commodities advancement with the use of online-instruments and research of practical aspects of application of online-instruments of new commodity advancement to the market.
In accordance with the aim the material in the article is carried out in the logical sequence: first methodical approach offers theoretical level in relation to the efficiency evaluation of the use of online-instruments of commodities advancement, the feature of that is systematization of evaluation process in threestages: preparatory, analytical and administrative, that all owstoaccept effective administrative decisions oneachlevel. As part of the preparatory stage it is necessary to define the aims, tasks, terms, methods, receptions of efficiencyevaluation of the use of online-instruments of commodities advancement.
The analytical stage is characterizedby the extensive work. According to the offered methodology, there will be the evaluation and analysis of communication indexesand economic efficiency of online-advancement and calculation of integral index of evaluation efficiency of the use of online-instruments of commodities advancementon the basis of the system of evaluation indexes.
The third type is administrative. On the basis of generalization of results of efficiency evaluation of the use of online-communications it is expedient to work out suggestions in relation to the increase of commodities’ efficiency advancement of online-instruments and work out the complex of events in relation to the removal of the educed lacks of complex on-line-advancement. Development of strategies, control after implementation of the events and their coordination, will provide efficiency of management of policycommoditiesadvancement in the Internet.
Researches empiric confirm the necessity of the use of online-instruments of new commodity launching to the market and creation of synergy effect at the use of online- and offline instruments of commodities’advancement. The results of undertaken research can be useful to the enterprises of food industry that plan to enter to the competitive market with a new commodity.
Keywords: online-instruments, online-advancement, efficiency, internet-communications, internet marketing.
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