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Forming an European food safety model and its implementation into the enterprises of Ukrainian agricultural sector
Deals with retrospective model food safety and animal feed, which was introduced in the member states of the European Union, analyzed key provisions of EU directives and regulations on which to base its organization and functioning since 2000's. Reveals the situation with the implementation of key elements of the European model of food safety, including HACCP, basic programs and simplified procedures based on HACCP principles, enterprises of agrarian sector of Ukraine. Reviewed scoping to ensure the convergence of technical regulations for the agricultural sector of Ukraine for the base model, introduced in the EU.
In the preamble to the Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization (WTO Agreement) recognizes the right of every country to direct the development of trade and economic entrepreneurship to address such important tasks: raising standards of living, ensuring full employment and a significant and steady growth of real income and effective demand; expansion of production of goods and services and trade, taking into account the optimal use of the world's resources in accordance with sustainable development; the desire to protect and preserve the environment and improve the means for doing so in a manner that is
consistent with their respective needs and concerns at different levels of economic development; the desire to develop an integrated, stable and a longer multilateral trading system, covering GATT-94, previously achieved results of trade liberalization efforts, and the results of the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations 1986 – 1994 and others.
The preamble of the TBT Agreement, 94 (Technical Barriers to Trade) states that no country should be prevented from taking measures necessary to ensure the quality of its exports or protect the life or health of humans, animals or plants, protection the environment, or to prevent deceptive practices, at the levels it considers appropriate, subject to the requirement that such measures are not applied in a manner which would constitute a means of arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination between countries where prevail the same conditions or a disguised Agreement and others.
General principles and approaches to ensure the protection of life or health of humans, animals or plants, environmental protection, have found a specific introduction and implementation of the European Union. In this respect, the fundamental starting point – the nature and structure of sanitary measures envisaged SPS Agreement, and their practical implementation, namely: all relevant laws, decrees, regulations, requirements and procedures including inter alia end product criteria; production processes and production methods; testing, inspection, certification and approval; quarantine treatments including relevant requirements for the transport of animals or plants or to the materials necessary for their survival during transport; provisions on relevant statistical methods, sampling procedures and methods of risk assessment; requirements for packaging and labeling that are directly related to food safety.
It should be noted that for the period of time that has passed after the adoption of this resolution was developed and tested a number of diverse instruments prerequisite programs (basic programs) and prevention of the emergence of risks and /or prevent or minimize their impact in case of detection. These requirements found necessary practical detail when developing standards and implementing their demands on enterprises in the EU member states, specialized in the production of food and / or feed for animals. However, given the need to monitor the progress of Ukraine to the European model of safety it is advisable to analyze the situation that emerged in the domestic agricultural sector is that concerns not only the foodprocessing facilities, but also at primary production entities.
We are summarizing the results of targeted government agencies at various levels, industry associations of the agricultural sector and interested companies whose efforts are focused on ensuring the transition from the post- Soviet model of rigid state control over compliance with requirements of GOST every enterprise to the European base model technical regulations when the responsibility for compliance with regulatory safety parameters coined production relies on products that it produces, and the quality – the consumer, which it buys according to their preferences and depending on their financial capabilities. With specific regard to technical regulations, over the first five main components is a significant advancement and approaching the final phase, and the sixth – level access to practical creation of system of market surveillance for compliance with the mandatory requirements of the food production industry. To ensure the formation of public market surveillance need at least one year of practical work and on its results – adjusting the legal framework, improving the territorial structure, professional development specialists, forming the image of the territory of the EU, WTO and other international organizations as a reliable national market surveillance authority issued certificates that can be trusted fully.
So, except operators of food and feed business where functional management system already certified or in the process of practically all natural and legal persons involved in the production and / or treatment facilities sanitary measures (food, animals, intended for human consumption, and for processing aids and materials in contact with food), subject to the introduction of basic programs and functional safety management system (HACCP and SSU ISO 22000:2007). The deadline for implementation set by the Law of Ukraine framework of food safety – until September 2019 year. So here is just a matter of priority efforts should target economic entities of the agricultural sector to solve the problem.
Key words: agricultural sector, the HACCP system, basic programs, simplified procedures, food safety system, technical regulations.
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