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Formation of the indicator system to assessment of reconstruction and use of human capital in agriculture
The article summarizes the methodological approaches of foreign and domestic scientists to the evaluation of the reproduction and use of human capital in agriculture and summarizes their positive and shortcomings. An estimation of the formation and use of human capital is proposed based on the determination of the profitability of human capital, in particular, the calculation of the income received for human capital, which allows to determine its value. The need to analyze the formation and use of human capital on the basis of an integrated system of indicators, taking into account the influence of numerous economic, social, institutional relations is proved. The system of indicators on the following groups is grounded: the first characterizes the formation of human capital, the second efficiency of its use, the third interdependence between the various indicators of these groups.
The factors influencing the value of indicators of reproduction and use of human capital are systematized, and the possibilities of their calculation are determined on the basis of the existing information and analytical base of agriculture. It is proved that the subsystem of human capital formation indicators allows characterizing the process of reproduction of human capital on the basis of calculating the correlation between the quality of human capital and the quality of life. It is noted that analytical calculations on this subsystem should become a basis for determining the directions of social infrastructure development, calculating the economic efficiency of investments in human capital and justifying the development of entrepreneurial abilities and leadership among the rural population.
It has been proved that it is expedient to study the productivity of the use of human capital by calculating the effectiveness of investments in human capital and comparing the obtained values with their returns in other spheres of the economy, and also on the basis of calculating the efficiency of using human capital in time and space. Obviously, the calculation of the indicators of the effectiveness of the use of human capital is carried out on the basis of the received actual result per unit of human capital, followed by a detailed analysis of its dynamics, factors affecting its absolute and relative values.
The author proves that the current conditions of the vimagayut are assessed the innovativeness of the human capital of agriculture with the obligatory identification of the main factors and the forms of their influence of human capital on the processes of organizing scientific and innovation activities in the system. It is proved that the index of the contribution of human capital to the change in the innovative potential of agriculture is characterized by the degree of influence of capital training, health capital and social identity capital on the organization of the processes of scientific and innovative activity and is determined by the level of the created added value of the group through: the effectiveness of information exchange of experience, branch; the effectiveness of participation of agricultural workers in the introduction of various forms of innovation; the level of readiness for the adoption of effective innovative solutions of industry workers; the level of quantitative characteristics of the impact of human capital on the results of scientific and innovative activities in agriculture.
Key words: human capital, reproduction of human capital, efficiency of human capital use, innovation of human capital.
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