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Development of cattle breeding in crisis conditions
The article examines the current state and development trends of the cattle breeding industry in crisis conditions. The importance of the livestock industry, both for ensuring the food security of the country and for the development of rural areas from the point of view of ensuring the employment of the rural population and obtaining basic food products and income, is substantiated. However, during the period of market transformations, in the conditions of COVID-19 and the full-scale war started by russia, the livestock industry of Ukraine has undergone significant changes and lost a significant part of its resource potential. The dynamics of the cattle population, the volumes of milk and beef and veal production were analyzed. Significant structural changes in cattle herds were revealed depending on the categories of commodity producers. It has been proven that the main producers of livestock products have become households, which provide about 70 % of production volumes. The global COVID-19 pandemic also had a negative impact on the functioning of the livestock industry. The main participants in the supply chain of milk, beef and veal, primarily small producers and processors, faced many problems that limited their work. In particular, difficulties with the movement of milk and livestock in supply chains, lower prices for milk, beef and veal, a shortage of workers, increased production costs due to the introduction of safety measures. It has been established that a full-scale war of a terrorist country causes critical consequences both for Ukraine and for the livestock industry. Devastation, destruction, occupation of farms and cattle, destruction of fodder, fodder stocks and damage to logistics have reduced the supply of milk and beef in the country. It is substantiated that the further functioning of the industry and its efficiency directly depend on the government's policy and the motivational mechanism. In the conditions of a full-scale war, which has already been going on for over a year, the lion's share of financial resources is directed to military needs, therefore it is not advisable to count on known state support. However, the Government of the country, within the limits of available resources and attracting foreign investments, continues active work to support dairy producers. It is argued that the concentration of production, including on the basis of cooperation of producers; improvement of fodder base and breeding; modernization of material and technical support; investment support from both state and international institutions. It is substantiated that the solution of existing problems in the industry will be facilitated by interaction and coordination of the interests of producers, processing enterprises and the state.
Key words: cattle breeding, milk production, beef and veal, market transformations, COVID-19, fullscale war.
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