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Components of the organizational and economic mechanism of vegetable market regulation
The article examines the tools of the organizational and economic mechanism as a system of interconnected and mutually conditioned methods, incentives, levers and tools of regulation and market selfregulation, which form an open dynamic system. It is founded that the tools of the organizational and economic mechanism should focus on the coordination of business interests entities and the balanced development of supply and demand in the market under the conditions of uncertainty and risk. The author’s approach to the interpretation of the organizational and economic mechanism of the market regulations of vegetable production is considered by us as a set of forms and methods of management, levers and tools of regulation and selfregulation of reproductive processes in the industry and satisfaction of the population’s needs in vegetable products.
It has been concluded that achieving a balanced functioning of the vegetable market under the conditions of martial law is possible only if effective tools of state regulation are used, which would support stability, efficiency and justice. It is argued that the prospective development of vegetable products market should be considered in terms of the influence of organizational and economic regulation tools on the strengthening of the current positive trends in the direction of increasing production volumes by agricultural commodity producers in the western and central regions of the country.
The principles of the development of vegetable products market are systematized and the need to focus vegetable product producers not only on obtaining profit, but also on ensuring ecological and social principles, which causes the manifestation of a synergistic effect, is emphasized. The directions of the influence of the organizational and economic mechanism of the regulation of vegetable products market in the post-war recovery of the industry are summarized, namely: the formation of new competencies of market subjects taking into account the transition to a new technological structure, the introduction of digital technologies and sustainable technologies for growing vegetables, the creation and modernization of capacities of objects of distribution infrastructure, restoration of the seed industry, etc.
Key words: market self-regulation, instruments of state regulation, vegetable products, market balance.
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