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Poultry and egg market in Ukraine and in the world
The economic mechanism of Ukrainian and world egg market functioning is studied in this article. The dynamic of egg industry has been increasing for the last two decades. It was not uniform and led to significant shifts in the spatial centers of egg production. These changes are mainly the result of the rapid growth of egg production in Asia. The main factors of increasing the production of food eggs are the demand of the food of animal origin and an increase in exports of eggs and their products. In most countries egg production is growing every year as a result of continuous development of the poultry industry. In particular it is the introduction of modern technologies, improved breeding base, kinds of birds, new methods of veterinary services, feed quality balance etc. The reasons of increased production and improvement of the economic efficiency of the poultry in Ukraine are the development of specialization and concentration and the transfer to the industrial sector basis; the creation of large industrial complexes around major cities and industrial centers.
The article has shown the current state of the egg market at the national and at the enterprise level. The reason of the decrease of industrial egg production was temporary closure of some enterprises of food eggs production on the temporarily annexed territory of Crimea and partially occupied Luhansk and Donetsk regions because of the inability to be engaged in economic activity under the conditions of martial law. These regions are keeping poultry farms primarily for providing their own food consumption. The dynamics of changes in poultry production often depends less on market conditions, but more on the socio-economic factors, as well as feed prices. The near future predicts an increase in poultry farms because of the difficult economic situation in the country.
The article points out the dynamics of supply and demand changes on the domestic egg market depending on the purchasing power of the population. They are the estimation of consumption and price situation, the analysis of export-import situation on the egg market and their products in Ukraine and in the world. In our country eggs are used in the household, in catering and industrial processing. Ukraine imports mainly fresh eggs, including fertilized ones for incubation of eggs and processed eggs mainly in the form of dried yolks. The Introduction to the WTO opens new prospects for domestic eggs manufacturers. Ukrainian products have all the features and conditions to take a significant share of the world market. There are number of advantages for investments in complex processing of eggs and development of high technology. Egg farms have the ability to get rid of seasonal overproduction and extend significantly the range. It will maneuver in product mix pricing policy taking into account the market, and there will be a unique opportunity to increase exports. Development of eggs export and egg products will not have any negative impact on domestic consumption because now it already fully meets the needs of Ukrainian consumers.
It is proved that eggs are staple food of the population in Ukraine. It is characterized by its accessibility and reasonable prices. There are market price fluctuations on egg markets, depending on the quality of eggs, regional sales, seasonal consumption and presence of holidays.
The article emphasizes the directions of improving functioning of market economic mechanism of eggs production. The reasons for the fluctuations in production and for the need of the population of Ukraine in chicken eggs are shown in this article. Modern food markets are characterized by instability and unpredictability. It is the result of world integration and globalization. The development of the poultry egg direction is a way out of this difficult situation. The eggs are an important product necessary to ensure the quality of life. The author proves that pricing policy of egg poultry production should be based on a combination of free pricing mechanism of state regulations and must be aimed at ensuring the profitability of egg production, maintaining the stability and transparency of the price situation on the market of economic relations and the prevention of unfair competition.
Keywords: eggs market, eggs processing, production, consumption, exports, imports, prices.
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