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Methodological principles of analysis and forecasting of the market situation of vegetable products.
The article examines the methodological principles of the analysis and forecasting of the vegetable market situation and characterizes the main types of situational research. It is argued that the analysis of the market situation should be based on interdisciplinary and systemic approaches, as well as take into account the influence of the world market of the relevant products. The system principles of the research of the market situation are highlighted and the factors of the global, external and internal environment that affect it are identified. The components of information support for monitoring the state of demand and supply are disclosed, and the main indicators and indicators characterizing the market situation are outlined. It was concluded that the research of the market of vegetable products should be based on methodological approaches that would ensure the study of the peculiarities of the formation of the product offer and its delivery to the final consumers. The factors and features of the market of the vegetable products, which must be taken into account when studying its conjuncture, are systematized. An algorithm for researching the market of vegetable products is proposed, which involves researching its market conditions, determining the capacity and purchasing behavior of consumers. It has been proven that when conducting market research of vegetable products, it is expedient to calculate the level of self-sufficiency for certain types of vegetable products. The author emphasized that when analyzing the product offer on the market of open ground vegetables, it is expedient to determine the type of competitive relations that dominate this market, and the approaches and indicators characterizing the intensity of competition are highlighted. The list of indicators that should be used to establish the regional characteristics of the vegetable market and the characteristics of the effect of its functioning, which is manifested on the basis of market, economic and social efficiency, is outlined. The task of marketing analysis of the vegetable market is revealed, which involves the calculation of its potential and actual capacity and is the basis for developing forecasts of its situation. The proposed algorithm for researching the vegetable market is the portfolio analysis based on which it is possible to reasonably determine the most profitable and promising segments of the market by types of products.
Key words: market of vegetable products, research of the market situation, supply and demand, intensity of competition, marketing analysis.
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