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State marketing in the improvement of pension provision in Ukraine
The paper aims to determine the features and justify the need to use state marketing to meet public needs as one of the types of marketing. It has been found out that the main goal of state marketing is to study and form a complex of needs (individual, group, public) and develop effective ways to satisfy them, taking into account real economic opportunities and other limiting factors.
The study reveals the difference in state marketing and the political and social one. It is indicated that state marketing, along with well-known marketing tools, uses administrative, organizational, regulatory and other levers of influence.
It has been established that the state represented by the central and local government bodies is the main subject of state marketing. The state can directly participate in meeting needs and (or) create an environment and conditions for their implementation.
Some aspects of state marketing use are considered on the example of meeting the need for material support for people of retirement age. The main components of the set of state marketing in pension provision have been determined.
It has been proven that they are all interconnected and interdependent and require research, further improvement and development.
The key important tasks of the pension reform are considered. The decisive role of the state in pension provision has been proved. It is noted that radical measures are inappropriate to apply in the pension system reforming - it is necessary to predict the social consequences of the decisions taken, since they are often accompanied with active public protests. Therefore, any pension reform must be accompanied by appropriate marketing communications.
The main goal of state marketing in pension provision is determined. It involves the development of a pension system aimed at qualitative satisfaction of individual and collective needs in pension provision, as well as in creating conditions conducive to its effective functioning.
It is indicated that a comprehensive approach is required to reform the pension system along with improving the entire social protection system in the state, economic development stimulation, increase in the level of the population wages and employment.
Key words: needs, state marketing, marketing, pension provision, pension, political marketing, social marketing.
The study reveals the difference in state marketing and the political and social one. It is indicated that state marketing, along with well-known marketing tools, uses administrative, organizational, regulatory and other levers of influence.
It has been established that the state represented by the central and local government bodies is the main subject of state marketing. The state can directly participate in meeting needs and (or) create an environment and conditions for their implementation.
Some aspects of state marketing use are considered on the example of meeting the need for material support for people of retirement age. The main components of the set of state marketing in pension provision have been determined.
It has been proven that they are all interconnected and interdependent and require research, further improvement and development.
The key important tasks of the pension reform are considered. The decisive role of the state in pension provision has been proved. It is noted that radical measures are inappropriate to apply in the pension system reforming - it is necessary to predict the social consequences of the decisions taken, since they are often accompanied with active public protests. Therefore, any pension reform must be accompanied by appropriate marketing communications.
The main goal of state marketing in pension provision is determined. It involves the development of a pension system aimed at qualitative satisfaction of individual and collective needs in pension provision, as well as in creating conditions conducive to its effective functioning.
It is indicated that a comprehensive approach is required to reform the pension system along with improving the entire social protection system in the state, economic development stimulation, increase in the level of the population wages and employment.
Key words: needs, state marketing, marketing, pension provision, pension, political marketing, social marketing.
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