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The organizational and economic components of investment support in agricultural enterprises activity
In this article we systematized the components of organizational and economic support of investment activity in agricultural enterprises as structured system of goal-oriented system for capitalization and modernization of production potential.The concept of investment and investment process in agricultural production was specified, their features in the researched branch were defined.
The author considers the development of investment activity of the enterprise as a qualitative evolution, which involves modernization, renewal of production capacity, increasing its productivity and is accompanied by dynamic changes in significant parameters of the enterprise.It was proposed to consider the system of mutually agreed instruments of influence on the participants of the investment process under the organizational and economic support of investment activity in agricultural enterprises, which promote harmonization of their economic interests and ensure growth of its value (capitalization) and qualitative improvement of production potential.
The following elements were pointed out as components of organizational and economic support of investment activity in agricultural enterprises:
object and subject;
goals and management tasks;
criterion of efficiency;
methods and tools of regulation which are implemented in the form of tools (levers).
The criterion of the organizational levers block efficiency of investment support system was substantiated - growing dynamics of investment intakes at constant preservation of all participants interests and economic levers - positive influence on set of industrial, economic, ecological and social relations at the enterprise level.It was highlighted that in order to increase the effectiveness of organizational and economic support components of agricultural enterprises investment activities, it is advisable to take into account the economic interests of all its participants.
It was offered to consider as the main efficiency criterion of organizational and economic support system in investment activity of agricultural enterprises to increase the value of the enterprise (capitalization) and qualitative improvement of production potential, which will strengthen the competitive position in target markets.The functions of the components of organizational and economic support of investment activity: motivational, prohibitive and compensatory were systematized.
Keywords: investment activity, organizational and economic tools, agricultural enterprises, subjects and objects of management.
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