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Business analytics of an agricultural higher education institution
The article studies domestic and foreign papers and defines the main tendencies of applying business analytics in business management. The information volume and change space is expected provide for tenfold increase in 3 years. The success of management decisions will depend on the speed of response to new technological opportunities and quality analysis using modern systems.
The experience in modern tools of business analytics application in the field of running business and entrepreneurship is investigated. The expediency of business analytics tools and methods application and mechanisms of business processes optimization in management organization of an agricultural institution of higher education is proved.
Business analytics tools that can be used to monitor the activities of agricultural institution of higher education were identified. The online visualize and BI-platform Tableau Public were used to analyze the market of agricultural education services according to various competitiveness criteria.
The ability to import data from online sources and various document formats, the ability to simultaneously visualize several criteria using different forms of data presentation and filters, as well as instant automatic changes in analytics when changing data are the advantages of using these tools.
The algorithm of competitive strategy in the BP Simulator business process simulator is developed. It includes six stages of development: studying the educational services market and defining the needs of consumers of various groups of stakeholders; identification of leaders in the educational services market; identification of strengths and weaknesses of competitors; self-analysis of the institution running, identification of its own strengths and weaknesses; differentiation of services in order to create a unique service; designing a competitive strategy.
Key words: business analytics, business process, institution of higher education, competitiveness, internal quality management system, educational services market, student, stakeholders.
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17. Upravlinnja biznes-procesamy. IT Enterprise. [Business process management. IT Enterprise]. Available at: (Accessed 28 September 2020).
18. Data everywhere Tableau for everyone. Available at: (Accessed 28 September 2020).
19. Free Business Process Simulation Modeling Software. Available at: (Accessed 28 September 2020).
20. Try agrarni ZVO potrapyly do prestyzhnogo mizhnarodnogo rejtyngu. AGRI-GATORNEWS. [Three agricultural free economic zones have been included in the prestigious international rating. AGRI-GATORNEWS]. Available at: KjbjwymQC33G5Y4OV46BgTwh7AKlFxm0Nm8vqco0EVR_s (Accessed 20 August 2020).
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22. Rybyc'kyj A.V. Informacijno-analitychnyj zbirnyk shhodo stanu zemel'nyh vidnosyn ta osnovnyh rezul'tatyvnyh pokaznykiv gospodars'koi' dijal'nosti v Ukrai'ni ta agrarnyh zakladah osvity za 2015-2017 r. [Information-analytical collection on the state of land relations and the main performance indicators of economic activity in Ukraine and agricultural educational institutions for 2015-2017]. Agroosvita, 2018. 14 р.
2. Gofjak, A.M. (2018). IT-tehnologii' ta biznesanalityka. Ekonomika i suspil'stvo. [IT technologies and business analytics. Economy and society]. No 15, pp. 933–937. Available at: (Accessed 28 September 2020).
3. Stoljarchuk, I., Chajkovs'ka, O., Sajapina, T. (2019). Suchasni instrumenty biznes-analizu v ERP-systemah na prykladi ERP linijky BUSINESS AUTOMATION SOFTWARE. Cyfrova platforma: informacijni tehnologii' v sociokul'turnij sferi. [Modern tools of business analysis in ERP-systems on the example of ERP line BUSINESS AUTOMATION SOFTWARE. Digital platform: information technologies in the socio-cultural sphere]. Vol. 2, no 1, pp. 86–94. doi:10.34866/2617-796x.2.1.2019.175657. Available at: (Accessed 28 September 2020).
4. Bruskin, S.N. (2016). Metody i instrumenty prodvinutoj biznes-analitiki dlja korporativnyh informacionnoanaliticheskih sistem v jepohu cifrovoj transformacii: Trudy XI Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii "Sovremennye informacionnye tehnologii i IT - obrazovanie" (SITITO'2016) [Methods and tools of advanced business analytics for corporate information and analytical systems in the era of digital transformation: Proceedings of the XI International Scientifc and Practical Conference "Modern Information Technologies and IT Education" (SITITO'2016)], pp. 234–239.
5. Jaremenko, Z.M. (2013). Model' biznes-analityky pidpryjemstva v konteksti strategichnogo upravlinnja. Innovacijna ekonomika. [The model of business intelligence of the enterprise in the context of strategic management. Innovative economy]. No 3(41), pp. 328–333.
6. Davenprot, T., Harris, R., Morcison, R. (2010). Analytics at Work: Smarter Decisions, Better Results. Harvard Business School Press. 225 p.
7. Identifying the Education Need of Business Analyst: Australian Study. Australian Journal of Information System, 2014, no. 2 (18). doi: 10.3127/ajis.v18i2.803.
8. Laursen, G., Thorland, J. (2010). Business Analytics for Managers. Taking Business Intelligence Beyond Reporting. 273 p.
9. Klepikova, O.A. (2017). Informacijno-analitychni systemy pryjnjattja rishen' v upravlinni pidpryjemstvom. [Information and analytical decision-making systems in enterprise management]. No 1 (62), pp. 196–204.
10. Business Analysis – positioning for success. IBM International Institute of Business Analysis. 2016. 16 p. Available at: (Accessed 28 September 2020).
11. Dzhon Shuk, Majkl Roter. (2017). Vminnja bachyty biznes-procesy: Stvorennja cinnosti ta zmenshennja vtrat: Pabulum. [Ability to see business processes: Creating value and reducing losses: Pabulum]. 132 p.
12. Jefmova, O.V. (2013). Finansovyj analiz. Suchasnyj instrumentarij dlja pryjnjattja ekonomichnyh rishen'. [Financial analysis. Modern tools for making economic decisions]. Moscov: Omega-L.
13. Biloshapka, V.A. (2017). Ocinka biznes-modeli ta upravlinnja zrostannjam v umovah global'noi' konkurencii'. Formuvannja rynkovyh vidnosyn v Ukrai'ni. [Evaluation of business model and growth management in the conditions of global competition. Formation of market relations in Ukraine]. No 6, pp. 14–19.
14. Bortnikov, G.P. (2019). Porivnjal'nyj analiz biznesmodelej derzhavnyh bankiv v Ukrai'ni. Finansy Ukrai'ny. [Comparative analysis of business models of state-owned banks in Ukraine. Finance of Ukraine]. Kyiv, no 1, pp. 80–101.
15. A Guide to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK Guide) Version 3.0 International Institute of Business Analysis, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2015.
16. Agile Business Analysis Planning Horizons. International Institute of Business Analysis. Available at: (Accessed 28 September 2020).
17. Upravlinnja biznes-procesamy. IT Enterprise. [Business process management. IT Enterprise]. Available at: (Accessed 28 September 2020).
18. Data everywhere Tableau for everyone. Available at: (Accessed 28 September 2020).
19. Free Business Process Simulation Modeling Software. Available at: (Accessed 28 September 2020).
20. Try agrarni ZVO potrapyly do prestyzhnogo mizhnarodnogo rejtyngu. AGRI-GATORNEWS. [Three agricultural free economic zones have been included in the prestigious international rating. AGRI-GATORNEWS]. Available at: KjbjwymQC33G5Y4OV46BgTwh7AKlFxm0Nm8vqco0EVR_s (Accessed 20 August 2020).
21. Nezalezhne ocinjuvannja universytetiv: akademichnyj rejtyng "Top-200 Ukrai'na 2020". [Independent evaluation of universities: academic rating "Top-200 Ukraine 2020"]. Available at: (Accessed 20 August 2020).
22. Rybyc'kyj A.V. Informacijno-analitychnyj zbirnyk shhodo stanu zemel'nyh vidnosyn ta osnovnyh rezul'tatyvnyh pokaznykiv gospodars'koi' dijal'nosti v Ukrai'ni ta agrarnyh zakladah osvity za 2015-2017 r. [Information-analytical collection on the state of land relations and the main performance indicators of economic activity in Ukraine and agricultural educational institutions for 2015-2017]. Agroosvita, 2018. 14 р.
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