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Motivating component in the remote form of employment of the staff
Conditions of innovative development of economy make significant changes in the system of social – labor relations, their new forms appear, which accompany the transition of social – labor relations from collectively – contractual to more individual and socially vulnerable. In this regard, new challenges are emerging for the whole system of regulation of social and labor relations. The most significant form of manifestation of changes in this area of social relations is remote social – labor relations, which focus on providing the ability to perform work responsibilities without being in the workplace due to modern technologies. Compared to our country, telework is well developed in foreign countries.
Foreign companies have already experienced the benefits of remote employment: saving time to get to work, solving transport problems, reducing environmental tensions, reducing unemployment, increasing time for family communication and leisure.
The concept of remote employment, the main problems of this form of employment and ways of their solution, practical application of it in modern organizations, all advantages and disadvantages of working in a remote format are analyzed. The prospect of further spread of remote employment in the country, methods of motivation of workers working remotely were evaluated.
The peculiarities of personnel management with regard to remote employment in organizations were identified and a strategy for remote employment management was proposed, which would allow to understand the problems related to remote work, which management needed to solve: finding the right balance between work and personal life, overcoming isolation at work in place, compensation for lack of personal communication and compensation for lack of employee visibility. Ways to increase the efficiency of work of remote employees, motivate them to work, as well as increase their level of adaptation in the company and involvement in the workforce.
Key words: motivation, control, personnel, remote work, flexible work, flexible schedule, remote work, innovation.
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