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In order to optimize the performance of transportation works for the transportation of raw materials for the production of biodiesel fuel, the article examines the technology when oil from oilseeds is obtained at the processing points where they are grown. The resulting oil is transported to a biodiesel production plant.
The methodological bases for calculating the optimum distance from oilseed grain storage sites to a mechanized oil production point are presented.
Possible ways of the efficiency improving of production of biofuel at the stage of the planning are presented. Methodical bases of calculation of distance to mechanized points for biofuel production are given. A formula for determining the optimum capacity of an item for the processing of oil seeds and for obtaining raw materials for the production of biofuels has been derived.
It is established that optimum transportation distance of rape is 14,4 km, productivity of the rapeseed oil processing plant is 21280 tons/year and for 25% of the oil yield 5320 tons of biofuel raw materials can be obtained, when the total overhead costs are Zv = 360000 UAH / year; specific costs of transportation of raw materials сp = 2,6 UAH/ (тkm); yield of oilseed rape = 1 t / ha (100 t / km2); the density of the placement of fields a = 0.4.
The developed method can be used to calculate the location, performance of points for the manufacture of briquettes or pellets.
The direction of increasing the efficiency of biodiesel production at plants at the stage of their planning is to determine the optimal annual productivity of the plant, taking into account transport costs for the transportation of raw materials - oil.
The optimum distance of transportation of oil and productivity of the plant for biodiesel production is established for the cost of transportation - 2.6 UAH / t • km, overhead costs 13000000 UAH, direct costs for the production of 1 ton of biodiesel fuel - 25000 UAH
Therefore, the optimal distance of transportation of oil for the production of biofuels - 101 km, the capacity of the plant - 58923 tons.
The dependence of the cost of production of biodiesel fuel on the distance of transportation of oil is calculated: for distance to plant 40 km – the cost of biofuel production – 25596 UAH/t, for 60 km – 25496 UAH /t, for 80 km – 25462 UAH /t, for 100 km – 25459 UAH /t, for 120 km – 25471 UAH /t, for 140 km – 25493 UAH /t.
The proposed method provides an opportunity to determine the optimum productivity of the plant for the processing of organic raw materials into biofuels, taking into account the distance of its transportation at the design stage.
Key words: biodiesel, economic efficiency, production optimization, direct costs, overhead costs.
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