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The Internet provides access to state-of-the-art tools for attracting, securing and organizing customer service with widely available means of communication, regardless of their geographic location or on-the-go journeys.
The study of the electronic market, approaches and tools used in e-commerce is devoted to a significant number of scientific robots. Among them are the study of factors that facilitate the expansion of access to e-commerce not only in the world, but also outside cities within countries. Considerable attention in researches is paid to the growing popularity of social networking sites, which leads to the development of a new type of e-commerce - social commerce. Various strategies for reaching the maximum number of communication channels with retail clients are considered.
The article examines the current state and analyzes the main tendencies of the development of the electronic market of Ukraine for the continuous development of the possibilities of both communication devices themselves and various e-commerce systems available on the network. Analysis of statistical data has shown that e-commerce tools in commercial transactions increase confidence in decision-making and enable market participants to be more demanding in their ease of use. The features of various ways of attracting consumers to places of sale, factors of the further growth of e-commerce as one of the perspective spheres of investment are explored. As a result of complex processes taking place in the electronic market, an e-business that has digitized and, accordingly, more efficient processes, is more likely to reduce costs and potentially more profits. The process of improving e-business in turn affects the trends of electronic information globalization.
Keywords: Internet-shop, site, electronic commerce, electronic market, Internet, press-aggregators, organic search, social commerce.
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