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Theoretical approaches to the organizational-economic mechanism of functioning of agriculture of Ukraine
The aim of the study is to develop theoretical and methodological approaches of organizational-economic mechanism of functioning of agriculture of Ukraine.
Materials and methods of research. For theoretical and methodological base of the research taken from the works of domestic and foreign scholars on organizational-economic mechanism of functioning of agriculture in Ukraine. The study used modern methods of scientific and economic knowledge of the socio-economic phenomena and sank: historical and monographic, dialectical and abstract-logical, graphical, etc.
Reproductive structure of the agricultural sector is considered as the sum of its cross-sectoral and regional industrial-economic relations, which are based on the interaction of social and individual reproduction when defining the role first. The structure of the agricultural sector at the regional level is significantly different mainly due to the functioning units of the first and third fields of agriculture: primary level, represented by agriculture and partly because of his production and technical services by own forces, as well as primary processing of agricultural products; the district and regional levels – agriculture, with its production structures-maintenance and processing of agricultural products; interregional level – agriculture, the organization of its production and maintenance, processing of agricultural raw materials and partly a means of production for agriculture, as well as production and social infrastructure.
However, important methodological significance for the improvement of the economic mechanism of the agricultural sector of the economy is the fact that the absence of certain structural units in agriculture of a regional level does not exclude inter-industry linkages more fully on the basis of economic relations, the content of which is manifested at the level of the primary complex by the presence of a single reproductive mechanism.
Analyzes the main theoretical approaches to the organizational-economic mechanism of functioning of agriculture of Ukraine.
The revealed contradictions between the interests of the state, which lie in the economic growth of agricultural production, the functioning of a busy food market, increase of competitiveness of domestic products on the domestic and world markets and the interests of producers in the agricultural sector, which are reduced to maximize profits.
It is established that the reproduction of the individual within the individual business entity is a part of social reproduction. In a market environment dominated by macroeconomic factors, but significantly increases the value of individual play, its connection to the macroeconomic level be mediated through prices and other economic regulators. The elements of the economic mechanism interact through the unification of their functions, which is a manifestation of the internal content of economic categories, which reflect the essence of these elements.
It is revealed that at the micro-level elements of the economic mechanism showing the stimulating and control functions. Prices besides perform the function of accounting and measurement costs, and insurance – warning function and the function of damages.
At the macro level, common to the analyzed elements of the regulation provides the following functions: distributive, redistributive, Regula, balanced by which the state can affect economic development.
Analyzed what are the functions of the studied organizational-economic mechanism at the macro level.
It is established that with the purpose of creating conditions for increasing the efficiency of agricultural production it is necessary to use a systemic approach in economic regulation of reproduction, based on the functions that characterize the relationship of the subsystems that form its structure.
Generalized theoretical and practical experience substantiates the conclusion that the formation of the system of state regulation of agriculture should be based on the principles of unity of economic and social goals, a combination of indicatives and policy regulation of agriculture, agricultural protectionism, and the software regulation, a differentiated approach, efficiency and sustainability of reproduction.
The economic mechanism is considered as a set of interrelated objectively existing, steady, repeating of forms of economic relations, which mediates all of the interrelated economic processes – production, its implementation, reproduction of resources, including accumulation and investment, innovation, improving efficiency, etc, inter-sectoral and sectoral processes.
The structure of the economic mechanism covers the following subsystems: budget, pricing, credit, tax, insurance and tariff customs. Each of them has relative autonomy and is characterized by the defined economic categories. These subsystems act as interrelated elements, and their interaction leads to a synergetic effect of functioning of the economic mechanism as a whole system. At the heart of achieving the effect is to optimize the ratio of state regulation of agrarian sector of economy and self-regulation among manufacturers based on adaptation to the demands of the market.
Key words: agricultural production, organizational-economic mechanism
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