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Economic frameworks for manufacture of swine production in agricultural enterprises in the ecological require-ments Rudуch O., Ibatullin M., Podgorny A. Today, an important condition for ensuring the effectiveness of the economic regulation of the market
Today, an important condition for ensuring the effectiveness of the economic regulation of the market for pig products is the orientation of its levers on the ecologization of production. At the same time, in Ukraine, in the process of activity, business entities in the overwhelming majority have a negative impact on the natural environment. As a result, there is an unfavorable environmental situation that negatively affects both the quality and safety of products and the environment of the rural territory and the country as a whole. As you know, one of the acute problems of pigs is the reduction of ammonia and unpleasant smells in the territories adjacent to the pig complex. Innovative technologies that are used to minimize this problem.
In order to ensure the ecologically oriented development of agricultural production, including pig breeding, an appropriate system of public administration and control is needed, which should include economic, legislative, administrative and recommendatory levers. It is obvious that the greening of agricultural production can only develop on the basis of effective state environmental regulation.
We believe that now in Ukraine there is a so-called soft regulatory mechanism, which is not the most effective mechanism in the current conditions. In Denmark, for example, in the construction of a new complex or in order to expand the existing one, it is necessary to coordinate the project with the regional administration, which monitors the strict implementation of all legislative norms, as well as the consent of all the neighbors
The adoption of the Technical Rules for meat, which will facilitate the adaptation of the Ukrainian legal acts on production and quality control of meat raw materials to the requirements of the legal acts of the member states, will be positive in preserving the environment and ensuring the quality and safety of meat products. EU The regulation regulates the relations that arise when: the production of meat raw materials in the cultivation of farm animals, i.e. feeding, zootechnical and zoo-hygienic requirements in keeping fattening, transportation to meat processing enterprises; slaughter and primary processing, storage, transportation, sale of pork, its utilization; assessments of the quality of raw materials.
We believe that in addition to the requirements of the proposed Technical Regulation, the requirements for the production and quality control of meat raw materials, as well as the conditions for its receipt, must be indicated:
- size and structure of enterprises for obtaining meat raw materials;
- nomenclature and types of individual buildings and structures depending on the direction of activity, taking into account the climatic conditions, areas of construction, ensuring the highest efficiency of investments, opportunities for further development of production;
- economic feasibility at maximal use of available capacities at the expense of their expansion and modernization.
Acceptance of new and reconstructed enterprises, buildings, structures is carried out in accordance with the effective legislation on the issue by the State Committee for Supervision of Labor Protection to the owner of the enterprise, institution, organization or authorized by him the authority to start the work of the enterprise, institution, organization, Regulation on the procedure for issuing bodies state fire supervision of enterprises, institutions, organizations, tenants and entrepreneurs permission to start work, other current normative documents.
Placement of enterprises is carried out taking into account projects and other documents developed and approved in accordance with the established procedure, which regulate the economic development of the region and its development, in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Planning and Building Territories" No. 109-V dated September 12, 2006.
When designing livestock enterprises and enterprises for the production of meat raw materials or their individual elements, it is necessary to be guided by the current norms of technological design: "State sanitary rules of planning and development of settlements", "Objects of veterinary medicine", "Systems of removal, processing, preparation and use of manure "," Objects for harvesting, storage and preparation of feed for livestock ", as well as other normative documents, which set forth special requirements for design and technological decisions (with fire protection, architectural and construction, etc.).
The enterprise, in accordance with the current VNTP, must be provided with all the necessary resources (fodders, water, heat, electricity, skilled personnel, land area, etc.) and transport links. The territory of the enterprise should be subject to improvement due to appropriate planning, installation of slopes and trays for drainage and removal of surface water, appropriate coverage of fences and production sites, as well as green plantations. The restriction of the livestock population to the levels according to the area of agricultural land must comply with scientifically grounded density standards.
An effective system of dissemination of knowledge about the ecological safety of production of pig products among agricultural producers with the involvement of agricultural advisory services and scientists of agricultural universities and research institutes should be formed.
Key words: pig breeding, ecology, state regulation, technical regulation, agricultural enterprise.
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