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The state and trends of the development of grain production in Vinnytsia region
The article deals with the main problems of grain production in the Vinnytsia region. The main attention is paid to the evaluation of the main factors influencing the amount of gross collections of grain and leguminous crops.
The purpose of the article is to determine the place of grain production in Vinnytsia region in the conditions of globalization of the economy, analysis of its state and directions of development. The following methods of scientific research were used to solve the problems: systematic approach (for the complex consideration of factors influencing the management of the production efficiency of agricultural commodity producers); abstract-logical (for theoretical generalizations of research results, formulation of conclusions); statistical-economic (collection, processing of statistical data, studying the dynamics of economic parameters of agricultural producers, tabular and graphical representation of the results), in particular its techniques – dynamic series, comparison, graphic (to identify trends in the development of the phenomena, to find out the reasons for the changes of individual their parameters); comparative analysis (when comparing quantitative indicators of grain production efficiency at the regional level).
The production of grain crops remains one of the most important and complex problems of agriculture. The solution of this problem, which involves a significant increase in the efficiency of production, the growth of grain crop yields, improving the quality of grain and reducing its cost, is possible on the basis of modernization of the grain industry and expansion of sown areas. Creating a modern material and technical base through renewal of fixed assets and the use of advanced technologies will contribute to a significant increase in grain production in agricultural enterprises and to guarantee Ukraine's food independence. In the successful resolution of these problems, particular importance is the improvement of grain production management, the development of fundamentally new approaches to its organization in economic actors, the regulation of economic relations and the rational use of the production potential of this strategic sector.
In the general structure of grain production, the share of highly specialized agricultural enterprises (coefficient of specialization more than 0,6) is 31,4%. Grain production in these enterprises is the basis of production activity, and the sale of grain – the main source of income, which determines their financial condition. In such economic entities, commodity producers are virtually eliminated from solving the issues of grain sales. Effective work of the sales service – one of the components of the company's economic growth. Not only the work of the sales department, but also the image and reputation of the company, quality assurance, accuracy and regularity of deliveries, professional management and company personnel influence increase of grain sales volume.
Summarizing the above, the efficiency of grain production is influenced by the components of the resource potential of agricultural enterprises: increasing the technical level and mechanization of production; introduction of new advanced production technologies; carrying out of measures on increase of soil fertility; improving the quality of seeds and other productive resources; introduction of improved high-yielding varieties and hybrids of grain crops; change in prices for material and production resources, their rational use in production; application of progressive forms of organization of production, production management, labor and payment in each agricultural enterprise.
In addition, it is important to take into account the natural and economic factors of production, as well as the influence of external factors (inflation, price disparity, etc.) on grain production efficiency.
The following measures are essential for the effective development of grain production: improving the management of grain production through the use of its economic methods in each economy; streamlining the information management system by improving planning, forecasting, cost accounting, and their control in the production of grain; improvement of marketing activities through the development of marketing tools, the use of new forms of cashless settlements, including derivative securities (bills, options, futures), buyers and customers of grain.
Key words: grain, productivity, technology, gross collection, fertilizers.
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