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The role and place of income from pf in the formation of the budget of agricultural households of ukraine
The role and place of personal peasant farms in the formation of the budget of rural households was conducted. The focus on production on the sale of livestock products is primarily due to the existing material and technical base and the industrial orientation of rural households.
Analysis of agricultural production show a high resistance to PF transformations of the economy, and in the process of socio-economic transformation of the economy significantly changing place and role of private farms.
The focus on production on the sale of livestock products is primarily due to the existing material and technical base and the industrial orientation of rural households. In addition, in the context of the crisis, livestock production in agricultural enterprises has become situational major producers of dairy and meat cattle breeding and pig breeding.
Analysis of agricultural production show a high resistance to PF transformations of the economy, and in the process of socio-economic transformation of the economy significantly changing place and role of private farms.
One of the factors behind the economic sustainability of private farms is that, due to differences in the sectorial structure and specialization of production, they do not compete with large agricultural enterprises. There was a situation where peasant farms increase the production of those products whose volumes are reduced by agricultural enterprises
It should be noted that in 2016, about 46.4% of rural households did not receive income from sales of products derived from their own peasant farms. Analyzing this indicator, we can state that this category of rural households uses fully obtained agricultural products to meet their own needs in food products, or completely abandoned its management. This circumstance is caused by the difficult demographic situation in rural settlements and the reorientation to other sources of cash flow of members of rural families.
Analyzing the problem of agricultural products produced in private farms, we consider it appropriate to emphasize that the main seller in the natural markets are directly agricultural producers. According to numerous observations, the sale of products is carried out in unsanitary conditions, in another way – "from the ground." However, there are no complaints about the lack of buyers on the part of sellers. And this is when the retail areas in the city are free trade areas.
According to our belief, realization on spontaneous markets is an anachronism of a developed society, which serves as an indicator of a low level of living and a primitive culture of food. After all, livestock products, which are realized through the mentioned channel, have not passed the appropriate veterinary and sanitary control. In addition, the environment in which the sale, contributes to bacteriological contamination.
In the current environment to determine the prospects for further development subsidiary farming as a source of income for rural households is impossible, because given the current disparity between rural and between the city in social and economic development and the availability of land area that will be in private ownership and the need for fresh, production and sale of agricultural products will be carried out in private farms.
It is established that the development of a personal peasant farm will be influenced by the environment of the rural community in which the peasants are located. On the other hand, the younger generation of villagers that steeped in atmosphere and rising rural incomes and agricultural products in obtaining production creates all the preconditions for not receiving it in private farms.
Key words: income, realization, budget, rural housebuilding, marketing, animal husbandry, plant growing.
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