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Features of development management of small cities and the regional center of agrarian region
Features of management of development of small cities and regional center of agrarian region.
The article contains the results of research on the socio-economic development of small cities as territorial and cluster
centers of the agrarian region. As an example of the development of the Vinnytsіa agro-industrial complex, the small town is
represented as the center of the processing industry with the possibility of infrastructure development.
The development of small cities in Ukraine depends on many factors, among which the economic potential of the city as
a territory, an industrial cell taking into account traditions, features of the leading branches of economic development of a
certain region is based on the basis.
A small model can be the basis for the formation of a general methodology for identifying features of the city as a center
of the agrarian region. The development of the city as the center of the agrarian region should be based on well-known concepts of successful urban development, namely sustainable and integrated development. The city is considered not only as the
territory of residence and activities of various target groups of the population, industrial development, the preservation of
cultural traditions, provision of various services to the population, but also as a center for supporting the agrarian sector for
the rural population, agricultural enterprises, farmers, households, etc. The infrastructure of transport and electronic networks
should lead the situation of the agrarian region to the state of activation of the development of villages, the effective use of
the resources of rural areas, improvement of the demographic situation, etc.
The purpose of the article is to justify the need for further improvement of the system of social and economic development of the region, and in particular its center and small cities on the basis of sustainable and integrated development of territories, organizational and production structures of agricultural enterprises, introduction of new forms of management, development of cooperation and specialization in the agrarian sector of the economy.
The agrarian sector of Ukraine can be considered from different aspects of the development of the national economy. On the one hand, it is one of the vowel components of the national resource potential for effective integration
into the world economic space. On the other hand, it is a threat to become a raw material for the European community
and not to develop either its own processing industry or its own socio-economic structure in accordance with European
social standards. More than a third of the total population of the country is involved in the agrarian sector and it is the
basis for the development of many other sectors, which suggests a plurality of effects in the development of the national economy.
The development of small and medium-sized cities in the agrarian region should not deny the development of the
village and the priorities of forming the village of emerging farms. Flexible institutions of socio-economic development should support owners living in rural areas, have land and work on it, and support territorial communities. The
development of social responsibility of owners and managers of agricultural enterprises allows the creation of effective
agrarian clusters aimed at the development of the agrarian sector, processing industry, the effective use of common
resources, etc.
The concept of sustainable development for the agrarian sector envisages taking into account the economic, social
and environmental interests of the society, will lead to the stable provision of the population of the country with highquality, safe, affordable food and industry with agricultural raw materials. The strategic development of the agrarian sector is oriented towards guaranteeing food security, provides for the development of rural areas and employment of the
rural population, improving living standards in the countryside and small towns, increasing investment attractiveness,
competitiveness of products, promotion of Ukrainian products to world markets, and the rational use of all resources of
the agrarian sector.
The basic model of development of the city as the centre of the agrarian sector envisages monophony- causation on agricultural problems and encourages entrepreneurs of all forms and levels to cooperate and intensify their own production, create processing facilities and produce European quality products. The development of transport and electronic infrastructure
contributes to the implementation of activities of various segments of the population, enabling young people to realize their
talents in their towns, and not abroad or in large cities, develops trends in the introduction of green tourism, living in small
cities, closer to natural conditions.
Private-government partnerships, investments and strategies for sustainable and integrated development of "smart" cities
will make it possible to change the centers of the district into the modern "smart" cities, territories for the implementation of
both agrarians and other representatives of the sectors processing, production, educational, cultural and medical facilities,
because in the development of any city there is a person and his needs.
Any target city development programs should focus on such strategic aspects as city-forming industries, city traditions
and cultural-historical basis; ecological basis of the city; development of the city as the center of villages and towns nearby;
urban space as a city brand, development of transport and electronic infrastructure of the city. Recommendations for the integrated development of a small city in the agrarian region are proposed for implementation.
Keywords: small town, agrarian sector, agrarian cluster, center for processing raw materials.
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