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Priorities for the development of infrastructure of agricultural territories as providing complex sustainable development
components of the rural infrastructure development and their influence on the socio-economic situationof Vinnytsiya are asanalyzed.
The influence of agrarian productionon thedevelopment of rural infrastructure is justified. It is emphasized that
thedevelopment of rural areas today is characterized by the aggravation of a numberof problems, the most serious ofwhich
are the demographiccrisis, the decline of social infrastructure, the unemployment and poverty, but the most important problem is that the land use issues are not regulated.
The strategic importance of the multifunctional development of rural areas is studied, taking into account theexperience
of the countries – members of the European Union and the Council of Europe. It is proved that in order to provide the
effective development of rural infrastructure it is necessary to work out a state program ofthe developmentof a separate area,
taking into account its natural features. It has been determinedthat theintroduction of non-agricultural activities, in particular
eco-innovations, is the solution of the global problemsof rural areas.
It has been outlined that the presence of the effectively functioning social infrastructure of rural areas is one of thedeterminants
of not only the social stability but also of the effective management. It has been determined that theabsence of important structural
elements of the social sphere causes the plenty outflowof labor from rural areas, as well as their decline.
It has been established that the social infrastructure is a material base of the social sphere of the village and a setof the
objects belonging to the service sector of the rural population (utilities, transport, communication, trade, publiccatering,
householdservices, healthcare, socialservices, education, culture, art and sports). Their functioningis aimed at satisfying the
rural population’sneeds.
It has been investigated that during the year so find ependence the considerable structural reforms were carried out in the
village, the landand property relations were radically reorganized, the organizational and legal structuresof the market
orientation on the basis of private ownership of the land and property, as well as the individual, familyand collective forms of
labor organization were created. It has been discovered that the agro-industrial complexbecame the focus of the increased
economic activity and theinvestment attractiveness.
It isanalyzed that the introduction of non-agricultural activities, in particular greentourism, can become the solution for today’s
problems of the development of agro-industrial complex and the effective functioning of rural areas, andat the same time, of the
improvement of their infrastructure. It is proved that rural areas are not only the spatialbasis of production, but also the natural
environment and people’s place of life. That is why the efficiency of the useof the territory depends on the person, his cultural and
educational level, professional training, political activity, skills, motivation, desire and ability to work and manage.
It is motivated that the development of agrarian and non-agrarian activities capable of creating the necessaryfinancial basis for
serious socio-economic transformations in the countryside and ensuring the proper livingconditions of the population should be the
basis for the revival of rural territories. At the same time, it is extremelynecessary to develop a new paradigm of management of
agrarian enterprises in order to increase the efficiency oftheir economic activity, to implement a comprehensive program for the
development of the agro-industrial complexof the region by creating an effective system of relations at all levels of government. It is
proved that today thepriority task of state authorities and local self-government is the social rebirth of the village.
It is argumented that the activation of the infrastructure of the Ukrainian village is possible thanks to the statesupport of
the agrarian sector in combination with the development of rural areas. It is extremely necessary todevelop a new paradigm
of the management of agrarian enterprises in order to increase the efficiency of theireconomic activity, to implement a
comprehensive program for the development of the agro-industrial complex ofthe region by creating an effective system of
relations at all levels of management.
Key words: social infrastructure, agrarian sector, reform, strategy, innovations, resource potential, regional policy.
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