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Modeling in the system of Ukrainian land management
Under conditions of power decentralization and Ukraine’s Eurointegration aspirations the state is rather a partner than a controller for other agents of land interests which changes priorities in land relations and management of land resources of the agricultural sector of Ukraine сhanges its coordination and subordination format. The logic of our research will gain greater role of common agents through a "single voice" will convey its position even the smallest landowners and land users to any agent land interests. Especially it is necessary to determine certain facets of cooperation between the state as a partner with these agents.
Based on the dualistic model of national agriculture in Ukraine it is possible to build cluster basis. This core cluster at the regional level should be objects that are in direct contact with the manufacturer, and with the consumer. In our opinion, any add-state nature of mediation ineffective. Therefore, the most realistic option – Association of landowners and land users presented as individual entrepreneurs and their associations.
Director of the Center should be president of branch (e.g/, grain, horticultural, vegetable, greenhouse, walnut, soybean, canola, potato, etc.) or territorial (regional or interregional) associations of landowners and land users. The purpose of the center of the head – raising the intellectual component of the value of land resources of the agricultural sector to the level of the best world analogues. Head of the center is connecting link between science (universities and research institutions, government laboratories, agrochemical), state (regional management) and non-governmental organizations (unions, associations, federations, advisory services, laboratories, etc.). Between the head of the center is a direct relationship with the structures of the district scale, which is also done direct work of higher education and research institutions, State Laboratories
agrochemical above and NGOs.
Similar structures regional scale and directly related to head of the organizers and executors, entities and representatives of villages.
The proposed cluster dualistic model of development land in Ukraine and the presence in it of the National Scientific Production agroecological research park and regional (economic) development centers in rural areas can solve the problem of providing of information in land management agricultural sector. Traffic data for the scheme will significantly reduce the "time travel" – the time from the development of innovative technology to its implementation in the regions. Note that the example of the implementation of information systems application distribution excellence makes it possible to offer the use of a mathematical method as a neural network. We have this method was used to segment the regions of Ukraine in terms of aggregated environmental performance assessment and information management in developing strategies for land management
and data analysis. Formed 9 clusters, two of which missed no area that is a major problem in the implementation of government policy, as the ninth region (Odessa, Kherson, Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Mykolaiv, Zaporizhia, Luhansk) clusters are the lowest in terms of evaluation aggregated ecological efficiency characteristics.
But all this area belong to the steppe climatic zones of Ukraine, significant improvement of environmental and socioeconomic situation which is possible only under conditions of irrigated agriculture, i.e. the development of engineering infrastructure, which has become one of the priorities of state policy.
Modeling of organizational structures of management of land resources for agricultural purposes in the context of globalization makes it possible to provide proposals for its prospects. Since each cluster on a different quality characteristics, approaches these problems in the administration will be different from the state as an agent of land interests. Therefore, to study the characteristics of these approaches and search for prospects of national land is the subject of our further research.
Common state and micro- and mini- agents investments into lands ameliorative condition improvement results not only in increased land income in accordance with these agents, but increase the value of these lands as well, and thus increase the chance to get investments and get higher rent. According to the author's vision, to state cooperation with private business is appropriate in solving the problems of soil preservation, exports increase, harmonization of national land management system to the best world analogues.
Areas of public-private partnership in the system of land use: A) agrochemical – promoting efficient use of land through agrochemical provision of agricultural producers on extensive
scientific research base; B) reclamation – optimizing the structure of agricultural land and crops through the participation of all stakeholders in land reclamation projects on an equal basis;
C) logistics – rationalization of land use on the basis of advanced logistics systems ensureing agricultural production; D) sale – intensification of activities to promote the products under the brands of national or regional agricultural products, the system of utilization and deep processing of primary, complementary and by-products items on the analytical and consulting platform of public sicieties and industry associations.
A cluster model of dualistic (traditional and organic products) of land in Ukraine has been developed. The principal difference between the cluster mode and the existing ones is the presence of the National scientific industrial agroecological park, regional research centers for rural development and shift in the state's role in the implementation of the economic functions as an agent of land interests. Mathematical method of neural networks was applied to segment regions of Ukraine in terms of aggregated environmental performance assessment and information management in developing the strategies for land management and data analysis.
Key words: modeling, organizational structures, public-private partnership, land management, agroecological park.
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