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Change of model socio-economic development of Ukraine

It is established that movement of Ukraine in the globalized world economy is slow and difficult. Being in a group of leading countries in Europe on the size of the territory − 603,63 ths km2 (1 place) and the population − 42 mln people (5th place), on volume of GDP − 0,116%, Ukraine in 2015 has in the structure of world GDP and export goods 0,209%, it has the lowest in Europe GDP per capita − 2596$, the average family income in the year − 2,6 ths euros, that is in 8,2 times lower than in Poland, in 13,7 times lower than in England and in 10.5 times lower than in Germany. In the export structure of one of the most stable industries to crisis processes − agriculture, in 2015 raw material was 60,3%, having the structure of national exports with 38,8% coverage ratio at 3,96, import export national coverage ratio of 1,017. The structure of the national GDP agriculture in 2015 takes 12,1% compared to 2000 − 35,6% 2010 − 21%, 2014 − 16,6%. It is proved that in the current nature of foreign economic relations with the outside world Ukrainian producers in the vast majority remain outside the scope of international cooperation and investment (in 2015 in the economy of Ukraine invested 3,7637$ bln of foreign direct investment and extracted 891,3$ mln of direct investment) as entities that haven’t close ties with foreign partners and is not included in the international economic chain because of the low level of development in the international division of labor, the potential scope and level of technical, economic and social development. It is proved that for 25 years the state of Ukraine the so-called ruling its political elite made a profound economic transformation, building for itself a model duplex society, capturing 80% of national wealth by creating a symbiotic bureaucratic and speculative mafia capitalism by free about privatization of state property. It is not conducive to the development of economically productive and socially stable layer of owners aimed at increasing their wealth through their own labor resulting in the Ukraine won political capitalism as merging state bureaucracy and big groups of owners, exporters of raw materials. This led to the paralysis of social and unprecedented development between the "lower ranks" and "top" in life opportunities. Such a model of society is unacceptable, when it is impossible to build the economy for the people, formed oligarchic system in symbiosis with the political forces in the economic transformation from "planned" to "clan" economic, that pursues its own interests, enriched by raider attack property, land and means of production, corruption schemes in large amounts, impunity of crimes in the complete inaction of government and power structures of the state. Ukraine needs a new model of post formational society, which in some countries becomes signs metaeconomics the new round of socialization of the economy in the definitions of creative rights, it freedom and creativity, and the system that has developed nationally Ukraine does not meet modern requirements because they do not have the goal of improving the lives of people, but rather worse.

The analysis of the dynamics of GDP and AIC Ukraine for 2000-2015, certain products, export-import operations is made. Established that Ukraine's GDP and AIC for 2015 compared to 2013-2014 decreased by 48,8 and 31,4%, agriculture – 5,3%, respectively, Ukraine exports decreased by 39,8% and 30%. Agriculture GDP in the Ukraine GDP structure in 2015 decreased compared to 2013-2014 from 18% to 16.6% to 12.1%. Ukraine exports in the structure of the national GDP decreased in 2015 compared to 2013-2014 from 35,8% to 42,1% and 38,8% coverage ratio in Ukraine remained unchanged and amounted to 1,017, agriculture coverage ratio increased in 1,95 times − from 2,65 to 2,03 and to 3,96.

The dynamics of exports of agricultural products in some of its forms for 2012-2015 is analyzed and it’s calculated the loss in export operations from lower world prices and their differentiation in 2015 compared with 2014: 9,485$ billion. The dynamics of exports and imports of agricultural products between Ukraine and integration groupings world is analyzed and it’s founded that in 2015 compared to 2000-2010 total exports increased respectively in 9,34 times and in 1,44 times and decreased compared to 2014 by 13%, of which exports to Russia decreased by 51; 84; 69%, to the EU in 2000-2010 increased in 12,38; and 2 times and decreased compared to 2014 by 16%. The share of exports to the EU in 2015 was 28.2%, of import − 45%. The share of exports to Asia increased in 2015 compared to 2000, 2014, 2014 in 11,7; 2,21; 1,02 times and was in the structure of total exports 45%$ to African countries − 13.6%, to other countries − 2.9%.

It’s proved that in Ukraine it has come a significant impoverishment of the population, causing massive unemployment. To legal framework in force in a society where the public system does not want to live under the sword of tyranny of one of its members for the necessary rules of conduct should be a threat of force, otherwise there will be a threat to society, so you need to get a group of people follow the rules of society and enhance claims to power by the public and political system should be such that people within the law left some freedom.

After Putin's Russia the second most frightening enemy of Ukraine is its own so-called political elite. No "orange revolution" or euromaidan not led to a fundamental change in the ruling class. 25 years kleptocracy managed, which as cancer, had grown deeply into the state body. Output in Ukraine one: a complete replacement of the ruling elite. Another "Maidan" finish off the country must choose the political path of complete replacement of the political elite. Otherwise, the future of Ukraine hopeless.

Keywords: GDP, exports, imports, strategy, capitalism, threats, losses, dynamism.

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