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Economic essence of financial safety of agricultural enterprises N. Trusova, Z. Shusteruk Subject essence of agricultural enterprises`s financial safety is directly related to the financial sphere of their display. It is integrated with the category of e
Subject essence of agricultural enterprises`s financial safety is directly related to the financial sphere of their display. It is integrated with the category of economic security that is one of her major elements. The financial component in the general system of economic security in the agricultural enterprises is determined through realization strategy of the resource providing their development [5].
Practically, all volume expansions component of the ménage forms on the enterprises and proceeding in their assets composition require the increase of financial resources sum. Choice of forming sources, and also cost minimization of their bringing in largely determine the financial independence level of enterprises. Accordingly, providing financial safety of agricultural enterprises is the inalienable constituent development of financial strategy.
As providing agricultural financial safety on the enterprises can take place in short-term and long-term periods taking into account the aims of government control of development agricultural industry, volume, according to the optimization of bringing in and using lent money that acts capital part in the structural transformations and its realization on enterprises, it is necessary to examine the basis of legality principles, expediency and efficiency.
Today, the self providing of agricultural financial safety on enterprises in a long-term period allows us provide financial stability of their development, due to optimization of the attracted and own capital. It assists the decline of financial risk, provides the most effective rate of bringing in the financial resources, advantage of the investment projects, increases the investment attractiveness of managing subjects.
Having a special oriented purpose in financial safety system of agricultural enterprises will provide all the major parameters of ménage financial independence (in particular, the ability to keep and grow the financial potential, provide realization of the financial interests, keep the necessary level of financial stability) from possibility. This totality of parameters is formed on principles of the system, that allows it describe the financial safety of agricultural enterprises as independent system that differs from other systems providing of functioning of agricultural enterprises. The specific agricultural features as require industries separate their approaches. Taking into account the research of existing vehicle concept in relation to essence of enterprises financial safety consider that financial safety of agricultural enterprises as constituent of economic security shows a reproductive level of financial providing. In the unfolded kind this determination can be presented as follows: financial safety of agricultural enterprises is the system of financial defense vitally of necessary interests on enterprises(assuredness of inter-subject financial interests) due to the financial expansion providing the level of ménage subjects (taking into account the accumulation of all forming sources of financial resources in current and long-term periods) and decline the negative influence level of destabilizing factors, that is arrived at by influence of financial leverages and instruments on the improvement of economic relations within of financial mechanism limits of action for providing the financial proportions of development enterprises. Thus, economic essence of financial safety on agricultural enterprises is expressed in forming the financial defense system, that will allow us provide firmness to influence on natural and economic risks, sufficient solvency level and investment attractiveness, and also positive inlaid capital return. By a mortgage, providing the optimal level of production, that will satisfy the population necessities and processing industry, providing the development of rural territories, the basis profits for rural population and creation the normal terms of life, providing, maintenance and increase the self-potential as basis for agrarian production.
Key words: agriculture, financial security, financial security mechanism threats.
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