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The role and place of conducting a personal income of agriculture in shaping the family budget rural households
Among the socio-economic problems of the subsidiary farm is occupied by the problem of profitability, which is closely related to the methods of implementation generated therein product. The essence of this feature is that the very profitability is the main condition for the existence of private agriculture. It is defined and will determine not only its existence, but also the structure, size, how sales, general mental attitude and respect for him.
The nature of this problem lies in the fact that in the light of such a measure as yield the sharpest contradictions manifest economic and social plan.
The current policy on PPF into account many factors that caused its existence, the positive and negative aspects, which are satellites of this phenomenon. Yet to argue that the problem of the impact of income from PPF to the economic, social activity of rural workers in social production is studied and taken into account in the design of specific legislation, it would be premature. A similar situation arises with regard to the role played by income from PPF to increase the level of rural families.
But now the village there are «private sector», the revenues do not go to any comparison with the income of social production. Existing legal rules generally are ineffective, their use is complicated by the lack of proper financial control and accounting sizes PPF. This part, together with other arguments are the foundation of a sustainable existence of negative attitudes of some of the population to the PPF, and incomes.
Because of these reasons, the issue of return should be viewed not in terms of statistical generalization at the macro level, but from the standpoint of a detailed analysis of all the factors that affect it, for specific social groups, including regional differences and level of management. Also during the investigation of the real situation of affairs should not proceed with factors designed to create certain conditions for the existence of PPF, and from practical experience. Only then it is possible to synthesize and to analyze the role of real personal income from farming.
In recent years, sociologists point to the destruction of familiar social structure and polarization of society in terms of material well-being, not only in cities but also in rural areas. And former status, career considerations and then gave way to profit in farming activities in the criminal business. Although while maintaining current trends, income levels remain crucial for the rural population, again amplified the importance of status characteristics, including the importance of education. These tools help children can be obtained only in their individual farms that are too stimulating its marketability. Out-of young people accompanied by a decrease in general mobility of the rural population, the inability for financial reasons.
So farms were in modern Ukraine and survival factor and a source of increasing revenue and brake development. Although these concepts are antagonists, they are interrelated. But the differences of individual families, villages and districts are very large and not accidental. Each area has certain characteristic, because households serve one of the most prominent exponents of its potential.
This paper examines the role and place of private farms in the process of budgeting rural households. Assesses the components of income from subsidiary farming in shaping the revenue side, depending on the average income of rural households. Perspectives of the above-mentioned sources of cash and food for villagers in terms of raising living standards.
Key words: personal farm income, self-sufficiency, rural household budget.
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