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The USA agrarian policy in the period of postindustrial transformation
The modern tendencies of the USA agrarian politics evolution are exposed in the article. Mechanisms and instruments of government control of agricultural production are certain on the modern stage of evolution of agrarian politics of the USA. It is marked that long time a key role in the system of government control of agricultural production and agrarian market the USA was played by support of prices on an agricultural produce.
The modern tendencies of displacement of agrarian politics priorities are underline in direction of indirect support of the American farmers. It is indicated on the increase of subsidizing of the events sent to stimulation of foods consumption by the population of country, support of nature protection events and fertility of soils, and also development of new role agrarian sector as a sources of alternative energy reception as a part of energy supplies diversification of country. It is marked that considerable part of agrarian budget of the USA is presently spent on indirect support of prices and incomes of farmers through stimulation of demand at the internal market of agricultural produce and food.
A specific and logic of input of direct and indirect supports instruments of farmers are educed. It is indicated on existence of direct support limits of farmers and on interconnected with nature protection, events on maintenance of soils. The mechanisms of application of two types of costs of support are exposed: having a special purpose and mortgage.
Essence, criteria of participation and volumes of financing of the stimulation of food consumption programs (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - SNAP) and other food programs are exposed, that, from one side, provide the rational feed of population, and from other, stimulate demand at the internal market of agricultural produce and food.
It is indicated on realization the American scientists and governmental officials of agrarian markets key role in the increase of intellectual potential of nation, forming of knowledge economy. Underline, that reinvested intellectual capital - capital the increase of that does not abbreviate the volumes of the personal consumption of citizens becomes the basic source of economic development of postindustrial countries, and actually envisages such consumption.
In the USA an agroindustrial complex belongs to the spheres of strategic interests of country, and its products next to atomic raw material and military technologies present the strategic resource of the state. The permanent increase of production of swingeing majority of agricultural produce volumes in the USA is marked, increases of her quality, incessant increase of management efficiency and rural labour productivity.
A near-term value in development of agriculture of the USA of modern biotechnologies, that allow promoting the labour productivity and efficiency of production due to reduction of terms of traditional selection (leadingout of new varieties of plants and breeds of animals) is marked. The dynamics of areas increase under the transgene sorts of different types of plant-grower products: soy, grain-crops, to the cotton plant is analysed. The sorts of plants, got by application of transgene methods, quickly penetrate to the world agrarian market because they own important from the point of view of their growing descriptions.
The factors of high competitiveness of the American farmers in the conditions of globalization are shown. Underline, that due to swift development of biotechnologies in the USA pre-conditions are created for the considerable increase of production efficiencies and labour productivity in agriculture.
The specific of new priority direction of American agricultures development - bioenergetics is exposed. It is set that presently in the USA an accent is done on development of bioenergetics of the second generation - on the basis of biomass.
The features of realization of new law “Food Safety Modernization Act” provisions are educed. There are the high standards of quality of agricultural produce and hard requirements in relation to its growing on farms and effective mechanisms of control after the observance of these requirements and standards are set; secondly, growing of agricultural produce on homestead lands and its exchange is practically done by impossible. Foundation of the food safety systems of ХХІ century is based on realization of prophylactic measures. Logic of guaranteeing of food safety simple enough - than production, processing, transporting of food and preparation of foodstuffs, is better controlled, that they will become safer.
The specific of "Standard of GAP" is exposed. The different aspects related to top-dressing, health of animals and hygiene of workers, packing, temperature-control are represented there. It is indicated on considerable plenary powers and enormous possibilities of U.S. Food of and of Drug Administration (FDA) in relation to a supervision after food that is imported to the USA.
American agriculture through the high efficiency even at the terms of hard limitations of WTO will be on velvet comparatively with other countries and will save the place of leading exporter of agricultural produce. It is indicated on reasons and consequences for the Ukrainian agricultural commodity producers of world agrarian markets monopolization under postindustrial transformation and globalization conditions. High degree of scientific character of genic technologies in combination with private character of investing will result considerable volumes in the concentration of production of seed, planting-stock, genetic material for a selection in a stock-raising in the developed countries, foremost in the USA. Absence of clear, adequate to the modern calls and threats of agrarian politics in Ukraine, the low level of investing in R&D will produce considerable negative influence on competition positions Ukrainian agrarian sector in the world market and will strengthen vulnerability of agrarian sector to external and internal influences.
Key words: agrarian policy, price regulation, price parity, contrcycle payments, indirect support, market capacity, genetically modified products, bioenergetical products.
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