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State and opportunities of grain market in Ukraine
A corn sector of Ukraine is strategic industry of economy of the state which determines the volumes of suggestion and cost of basic types of food for the population of country, in particular products of processing of grain and products of stock-raising, forms substantial part of profits of agricultural producers, the state and progress of rural territories trends determines, forms the currency profits of the state due to an export.
Examining the dynamics of production of grain in Ukraine we can analyse, that most gross collection is observed in 2008 year at the level of 53 mln.t, the least in 2007 year (28,9 mln.t). Grain appears the basic source of receipts and incomes for agricultural enterprises. Grain-crops in Ukraine annually occupy an almost 32,4% plough-land.
The modern state of efficiency of zernovirobnictva is caused by a disturbance. A tendency is the last years traced to the unstable and substantial decline of efficiency of production of grain from the attained level.
Grain of wheat is a major agricultural object of international trade: almost 60% all export of grain-growing. The most world export of wheat is observed in 2009 year and makes 142,5 mln.t, most export from Ukraine also in 2009 year (13,0 mln.t), and the least world export of wheat in 2006 year (113,8 mln.t), the least export from Ukraine in 2008 year (1,2 mln.t).
Because of realities of segodennya, extraordinarily actual is research of possibilities of Ukraine as zernovirobnika among the countries of the European union.
For the subsequent functioning and civilized transparent market of grain development Ukraine requires: arrangement of intercommunications of different elements of technological process of production of grain providing of the maximal use of present agricultural lands on the basis of development of leasings relations and creation of enterprise organizationally production structures, increase of efficiency of production; state support of development of co-operation of commodity producers; providing of production of high-quality food grain, the types of which are determined demand and supply.
Key words: market, demand, supply, import, export, efficiency, land, farm.
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