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The problems of material and technical provision for agricultural production on the farms
The difficult material and technical situation of the agricultural sector of Ukraine's economy and its potential which is not used led to a number of problematic issues concerning stabilization of the state food security.
Low efficiency of agricultural natural resources potential usage is primarily caused by a lack of effective owner, inappropriate attitude towards the land, imperfect production technologies, noncompliance with scientifically based standards of farming, improper practice of maximum utilization of land for monocultures production, insufficient application of mineral fertilizers, unreasonable pricing policy, lack of farm machinery and its low quality, the failure of environmental measures.
Creating an all-around developed highly efficient agricultural sector requires an appropriate level of development of material and technical resources and usage of available resources, which are essential elements of any production process. These are the issues the article is devoted to.
The authors analyzed the factors of the effective functioning of the agricultural sector and determined its dependence on materiel and technical support. At the present stage for the further development of agriculture, we need a complex and balanced material and technical resources, since the efficiency of agricultural production increases with an increase in the level of material and technical resources provision. Implementation and improvement of powerful new techniques and technologies contribute to effective management and increasing of the productivity.
The article focuses on the dynamics and structure of the means of agricultural enterprises production and finds out clear positive trends.
However, the authors have not found out clear coordination between the application of facilities for pig farming and the production profitability.
An important tool for efficient agricultural production is compliance with scientifically based standards of organic and mineral fertilization. It was found out that during the exploration period the organic fertilizer treatment for crops is drastically reduced. Meanwhile the volume of fertilizers and the fertilized area are reducing as well. The main reasons for this are the absence of developed livestock breeding at the most national agricultural holdings and reducing of the existing livestock population of cattle and pigs in farms.
It was established that the failure of technological parameters of production and lack of funds to update the material and technical base of the main means of production resulting in significant crop and revenue losses, even at that low level of operating expenses formed by the domestic commodity producers. The real pace of the equipment obsolescence is 8 11% per year, twice as much as the rate of renewal of the fleet (4% per year).
The logical consequence of this situation is the rapid reduction in machine and tractor fleet.
So the main causes of the crisis situation of the renewal of the machine and tractor fleet are the following: a significant reduction in reliable demand for agricultural machinery as a result of disparity in prices; inability to obtain credits because there are no real guarantees of their paying back; decrease in investment into the agricultural sector; lack of long-term strategy and innovation policy in agricultural development; low effectiveness of state forms of support and projects.
Under these conditions, the main prerequisites to improve the efficiency and the payback of the resources are the following: to ensure the improvement of the structure of current assets and to maintain a balance of their individual elements, to establish the optimal ratio between the main fixed capital and working capital, which will contribute to the effective output of the machinery, efficient use of material resources and consequently an increase in agricultural production and its profitability.
Key words: facilities provision, payable demand, investments, innovation policy, prices disparity, production funds, assets.
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