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Bank leasing lending of subjects in the agrarian sector
In the conditions of transformation of economic space stable functioning of entities of agrarian sphere requires professional approach and system activity in the direction of investment attraction and business-climate improvement. Introduction of leasing as alternatives of capital financing provides solution of the problem of material base update and resource maintenance of domestic agroenterprises which reliably promotes increase in financial activity indicators, restoration of their competitiveness and increase of investment appeal of agrarian manufacture.
Modern economic science treats leasing as assignation property for temporary use on conditions of serviceability, definite period and refund ability (or redemption). Criteria of classification of its kinds are an important element of theoretical basis of leasing: structure of participants of the agreement, property type, degree of recoupment of the leasing object, depreciation terms, volume of property service, market sector, presence of tax and amortisation privileges, character of leasing payments, agreement term, quantity of the parties, form of agreement organisation, amount of the leasing agreement. In practice, the most widespread kinds of leasing are financial and operative leasing. All last leasing kinds are versions of principal kinds of leasing which depending on characteristic can be referred to financial or operative.
Leasing activity of banks is widely popular in the world the scope of which constantly increases. Sharp deficiency of technical means is objective precondition of intensification of bank leasing crediting of agrosphere entities in Ukraine which negatively influences performance of the full cycle of technological operations in optimum terms, unsatisfactory economic results of agricultural enterprises and incompleteness of formation of full-scale market environment. At the same time, decrease in reliability of domestic commercial banks, disinterest in long-term investment of agrarian manufacture and inaccessibility of credits to landowners through high interest rates indicate low efficiency of application of credit operations in investment activity.
For maintenance of production process adequate to modern potential of agriculture permanent deficiency of circulating assets in plant-growing constitutes 45-60 billion UAH and animal industry – 40-45 billion UAH. For warranting of expanded reproduction on minimum appropriate level amounts of investment activity in agrarian sector of Ukraine in the next 5 years should reach 150-240 billion UAH, three quarters from which have no real financial platform.
Leasing as an investment mechanism of modernisation of technical base of manufacture is applied by small enterprises that work profitably but cannot receive soft loan in a bank. In general, agroleasing covers almost third of profitable entities of agrarian sphere of Ukraine. Peculiarity of the leasing market is non-uniformity of territorial placing of economy which introduce leasing forms of crediting (from 12 to 30%). Traditionally, most of all it is used in the Steppe zone and the least – agroformation zones of Polissia. There are similar zone regularities for quantity indicators of agroleasing in reliance on 1 household, 1 hectare of agricultural lands and 1 hectare of cropland.
Structure analysis of machinery obtaining sources convinces that entities of agrarian sphere prefer direct purchase. That is for favourable financial conditions the total amount of means involved in banks and private leasing companies for expansion of park of agricultural machinery will increase to 10 billion UAH.
So, adverse general economic situation in the country, low efficiency of operating mechanism of the state support of agroleasing, regulation of assortment at definition of objects of leasing, ambiguity in solution of questions concerning property basis of activity of enterprises, low credit status of borrowers, high riskiness of agriculture area, imperfection of methodological aspects of organisation of bank leasing crediting of agroformations are internal deterrents of development of system of bank crediting of leasing operations of entities of agrarian sphere.
It is obvious that solution of the specified problems in the long term will promote improvement of investment climate in agrarian sector of economy, development of crediting of leasing operations of the agrarian enterprises by banks, increase of production efficiency of agricultural production and level of profitableness of domestic entities of agrarian sphere.
Key words: leasing, leasing operations, bank lending, subjects of agrarian sector.
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