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Agriculture adaptation to risks and threats caused by destructive impact of production and climate change
The paper investigates the influence of agricultural production and weather conditions on the components of the joint
ecological and economic resource.
A lasting tendency of increasing the destructive impact of agriculture production on the environment has been defined.
Humus and nutrients reserves decrease, soil acidification and salting takes place along with their degradation.
Violation of crop rotation due to growing some preferred commercial crops, narrowing the specialization and concentration
of agriculture land farms extention, forming the structure of supply and demand without considering losses of natural resources
and expected environmental risks, lack of legislation and market incentives for efficient use of natural resources and control of
negative environmental and social impacts at typical for agriculture production. Significant human impacts on the ecosphere is
also caused by land excessive tillage (53.9 % of the land fund of Ukraine) as well as changing climatic conditions, characterized
by the increase of average daily temperatures, decreased precipitation and results in lower crop yields and animals productivity.
We believe the adaptive measures system based on internationally recognized «climate-smart agriculture (CSA) Concept,
which is a new approach to farming, whereby existing agricultural systems are adapted to be more sustainable, more productive
and more responsive to local environmental conditions (including land, weather and climate) must be developed to prevent and
eliminate destructive influence of agricultural production and weather conditions on all the components of the joint ecological
and economic resource the agriculture has faced.
CSA promotes: sustainably and reliably increasing agricultural productivity and farm incomes; resilience and adaptation to the
effects of climate change; and, where it is appropriate, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and concentrations. It does this by equipping
farmers to better use and manage natural resources and adopt more efficient methods of producing, processing and marketing
agricultural goods. CSA requires an integrated approach that responds to the specific vulnerabilities of farming communities.
Coordination across all agricultural sectors - crops, livestock, forestry and fisheries as well as energy and water is required.
Along with it, under the lack of the budget at the current stage of our country development, the environmental liability of all
economic entities, natural resources users and polluters must be significantly increased on the legislative level.
Farmers can expect to receive budget support on any state program provided they follow the rules and requirements of
sustainable farming.
Keywords: soil degradation, humus, erosion, climate change risks, «climate-smart agriculture», optimization, land
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