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The conceptual basis for the development of the market of agricultural machinery in Ukraine
The theoretical and methodological basis for the formation and regulation of the market of agricultural engineering, technical and production services are considered, the analysis of the current status of technical support agricultural producers and pricing on the technical means of production is done, the organizational basis for the formation of market infrastructure and economic relations between the subjects of the market are investigated. An important tool of economic mechanism of regulation of the market of agricultural machinery is the formation of the availability of credit resources. The current system of agricultural credit also needs a transformation, because such support encourages disproportions in the development of rural areas. Therefore, the main task of the state is increasing access for all agricultural producers credit on the basis of improving the organizational and economic mechanism of agriculture and other forms and types of credit. Therefore, it is advisable to concentrate on the adoption of measures to improve the stability of the financial system and economy in general, in the short and medium term , by optimizing the refinancing rate and reserve requirements, increased availability of credit, especially long-term development of the leasing of machinery and equipment breeding animals.
An important factor of innovation and investment provision should be budget support, which includes direct support of agricultural producers (in the form of grants, subsidies and compensations), non-repayable and repayable financing of capital investment, specialized support in certain areas. It is proved that it is more effective to introduce direct subsidies per unit of agricultural land and livestock, to create conditions for investment and innovation in the latest technology and techniques.
It is appropriate to justify the priority directions of modernization of technical support agricultural production in the concept of development of the market of agricultural machinery, which should be comprehensive, i.e., to include technological, social and environmental components. A synthesis of existing approaches to the essence of modernization has allowed to allocate at least two of its vector.
Under the first approach we focus on the development of new innovative technologies and their subsequent implementation into domestic practices [5, p. 129]. In our opinion, this approach content is a reflection of the course of the state on the development of a competitive agricultural sector, it has some limitations, because domestic agricultural engineering and scientific research institutes are not able to implement it.
The second approach to modernization is the active involvement of foreign equipment, on the basis of which construction of a competitive agriculture is assumed , able to satisfy primarily domestic demand, as well as to take a certain competitive position in the global market. Thus, the proposed strategy for the development of the following competitor.
The directions of modernization of technical support agriculture which are highlighted above can not become the basis for a comprehensive modernization of the agrarian economy in the pure form. Considering this, the elaboration of a comprehensive strategy of modernization of the agricultural sector becomes very important, capable of providing not only the formation of an adequate anti-crisis measures, but also to the emergence of a competitive type of play for a comprehensive and effective long-term sustainable development of agriculture.
In this approach, the logic of upgrading the technical capacity of agriculture should be, in our opinion, based on a combination of rational elements of the above approaches, i.e. integrative approach, which includes the following interrelated components: innovative development; the use of foreign agricultural equipment; effective implementation of the innovative development of domestic scientific research institutions.
Economic priorities of the state technical policy in the agricultural sector and conditions of the revival of Russian agricultural machinery, directions of improvement of pricing and other economic instruments to restore solvency of agricultural enterprises are identified.
Keywords: market, agricultural equipment, technical service, competitiveness, agricultural machinery, engineering policy, cooperation, machine-technological stations, price and pricing.
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