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Evaluation of agricultural enterprises machine and tractor fleet use and its improvement directions
The article highlights the current state of machine and agricultural enterprises tractor fleet and logistics and deals with the estimation Kiev region MTF efficiency.
There has been found out that in 2012 in agricultural enterprises of Kyiv region a combine performance was 330 ha, while in Russia it was 157, in the USA - 62.5 hectares, and in Germany - 31.3 hectares.
In the studied region farms 1 tractor tills has of 100 hectares of arable land on average, while in Canada - 64 hectares in the USA - at least 38, in France - at least 16, and in Germany and Great Britain - less than 12 hectares. To reduce the negative effects of this phenomenon agricultural producers prefer to purchase powerful tractors, thus the average engine power tractor increased to 86.4 kW.
Increasing the share of machinery in the structure of machine andtractor fleet of agricultural enterprises indicates the orientation to intensive driving production.
It was founf out that the technical preparing of the studied farms of Kyiv region in terns of tractors during 2008-2012 was 70-75%, in combine harvesters – up to 50% compared to a standard 85-92%. This fact also indicates a high degree of machines and tractors wore out on most farms in the area.
It is shown that enterprises whose agricultural land area is over 2,000 hectares generally have better values of tractors technical preparingadiness, intensity, productivity and utilization rates, which tend to improve with an increase in agricultural land areas. During the research it was found that a group of companies with an area of less than 500 ha have the average group rate of using the annual fund of tractors performance time of only 0.35, which indicaes the actual impossibility optimum tractors use in the companies of the group during a year.
The best economic efficiency values of the fleet are in the farms whose calculated energy capacity values are within the range up to 250 kW per 100 hectares of arable land, and this indicator grows a decrease of economic efficiency of use of the fleet is observed.
The annual output per a standard tractor depends directly on the values of use intensity and productivity, which ultimately has a direct impact on the value of the cost index of 1 unit per ha. Due to y larger tractors performance the cost structure of 1 unit per ha the size and weight of the costs associated with the repair and maintenance of equipment and its depreciation reduce significantly. The size of these costs in the group of farms with the annual output more than 1250 reference tractor unit per ha are by 2.22 and 1.95 times lower than the values of enterprises with volume production below 50 hectares per a reference tractor.
It was founf out that the current method of analyzing machine and tractor fleet efficiency needs to be improved through extensive use of agricultural production technological processes energy evaluation and upgrades in terms of considering physical machines to be conditional – as a renewed reference unit there should be taken one of the most promising high-performance models of domestic or foreign (e.g. "Belarus-3522"), which has the prospect of mass distribution in agricultural production.
There have been suggested the main technical and economic parameters to be considered by management of agricultural enterprises when purchasing modern equipment, namely tractors, toolbar, plant protection, harvesting machinery.
To provide high performance technical and operational reliability of agricultural machinery there has been suggested to arrange the repair and maintenance of technology-based regional service companies, subject to availability of adequate repair and technical resources and qualified personnel.
Key words: machine and tractor fleet, agricultural machinery, engineering efficiency, machine and tractor fleet formation, technological operations, robotizes works.
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[Elektronnij resurs]. – Rezhim dostupu:
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